
File: ia\charts\CanvasBase.js

 * <code>ia.CanvasBase</code> defines the basic layout behavior of chart or map.
 * @author J Clare
 * @class ia.CanvasBase
 * @extends ia.CartesianSpace
 * @constructor
 * @param {String} id The id.
ia.CanvasBase = function(id)
{, 0, 0, 100, 100);

	this._touchStart = 0;		// Timing of touch start.
	this._mouseDown = false; 	// Flag to indicate if the mouse is down. Used by the _mouseEventHandler() method.
	this._dragging = false;		// Flag to indicate if the mouse is being dragged. Used by the _mouseEventHandler() method.
	this._mouseDragged = false;	// Flag to indicate that the mouse was dragged. Used by the _mouseEventHandler() method.
	this._mouseOverMap = false;	// Flag to indicate if the mouse is over the map. Used by the _mouseEventHandler() method.
	this._pinching = false;		// Flag to indicate if the user is this._pinching the map. Used by the _mouseEventHandler() method.
	this._layers = new Array(); // Contains the map layers.
	this._mouseDownX = 0;		// Use these to test if the mouse has been dragged.
	this._mouseDownY = 0; = id;
	this.isVisible = true;
	this.mouseX = 0;
	this.mouseY = 0;
	this.embeddedInGoogleMaps = false; 
	this.isDraggable = false;
	this.animationMode = false;

	// Create the container element.
	this.container = $j("<div id='"+id+"' class='ia-chart'>"); 

	this.mapContainer = $j("<div id='mapContainer'>"); 
	this.backgroundContainer = $j("<div id='backgroundContainer'>");
	this.layerContainer = $j("<div id='layercontainer'>")
	this.foregroundContainer = $j("<div id='foregroundContainer'>");

	// For styling map labels.
	this.labelStyle = $j("<div class='ia-map-labels' style='visibility:hidden'>");
	this.canvas = this._createCanvas(this.backgroundContainer);
	this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d");

	this.foregroundCanvas = this._createCanvas(this.foregroundContainer);
	this.foregroundContext = this.foregroundCanvas.getContext("2d");

	this.datatip = new ia.ChartTip(this.foregroundContainer);
	// Add listeners.
	// Redraw the map on a resize - use a timeout to reduce number of redraws.
	var resizeTimeout;
	var mapReady = false;
	var me = this;
		resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function()

			var w = me.container.width();
			var h = me.container.height();
			me.canvas.width = w;
			me.canvas.height = h;

			me.foregroundCanvas.width = w;
			me.foregroundCanvas.height = h;

			me.canvasX = 0;
			me.canvasY = 0;
			me.canvasWidth = w;
			me.canvasHeight = h;
			var e = new ia.Event(ia.Event.MAP_RESIZE, me);


			if (mapReady === false)
				mapReady = true;
				var e = new ia.Event(ia.Event.MAP_READY, me);

		}, 500);
ia.extend(ia.CartesianSpace, ia.CanvasBase);

 * Animation mode.
 * @property animationMode
 * @type Boolean
 * @default false

 * The id.
 * @property id
 * @type String

 * The canvas.
 * @property canvas
 * @type HTML Canvas

 * The canvas context.
 * @property context
 * @type HTML Canvas Context

 * The foreground canvas for drawing elements on top of the map/chart.
 * @property canvas
 * @type HTML Canvas

 * The foreground context for drawing elements on top of the map/chart.
 * @property context
 * @type HTML Canvas Context

 * The data tip.
 * @property datatip
 * @type ia.ChartTip

 * The container that holds the object.
 * @property container
 * @type JQUERY Element

 * The container that holds all the divs.
 * @property mapContainer
 * @type JQUERY Element

 * Containers the map canvas.
 * @property backgroundContainer
 * @type JQUERY Element

 * The container that holds the layers.
 * @property layerContainer
 * @type JQUERY Element

 * Containers selection / highlight canvas.
 * @property foregroundContainer
 * @type JQUERY Element

 * The chart visibility.
 * @property isVisible
 * @type Boolean
 * @default true

 * The x coordinate of the mouse (pixel units) relative to the map origin.
 * @property mouseX
 * @type Number
 * @default 0

 * The y coordinate of the mouse (pixel units) relative to the map origin.
 * @property mouseY
 * @type Number
 * @default 0

 * Indicates if embedded in google maps.
 * @property embeddedInGoogleMaps
 * @type Boolean
 * @default false

 * Indicates if its draggable ie Its a map - used by touch events.
 * @property isDraggable
 * @type Boolean
 * @default false

 * Creates a new canvas.
 * @method _createCanvas
 * @return {HTML Canvas} The canvas.
 * @private
ia.CanvasBase.prototype._createCanvas = function(container)
	var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
	canvas.width = container.width();
	canvas.height = container.height();
	$j(canvas).css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0 });
	return canvas;

 * Adds the listeners.
 * @method _addListeners
 * @private
ia.CanvasBase.prototype._addListeners = function()
		this.mapContainer.on("touchstart.canvasbase touchmove.canvasbase touchend.canvasbase", this._touchEventHandler.bind(this));
		// Add mouse listeners.
		this.mapContainer.on("mousemove.canvasbase mouseup.canvasbase mouseenter.canvasbase mouseleave.canvasbase mousedown.canvasbase click.canvasbase", this._mouseEventHandler.bind(this)); 

		// FF doesn't recognize mousewheel as of FF3.x.
		var mousewheelevt = (/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel";

		// Mouse wheel for all other browsers.
		if(document.addEventListener) document.addEventListener(mousewheelevt, this._mouseEventHandler.bind(this), false);

 * Responsible for handling mouse events and then
 * dispatching the relevant map event. 
 * @method _mouseEventHandler
 * @param {MouseEvent} event Dispatched by the mouse.
 * @private
ia.CanvasBase.prototype._mouseEventHandler = function(event)
	// Check if parent panel is visible.
	var isPanelVisible = true;
	var parentPanel = $j("#widget-";
	if (parentPanel)
		if (parentPanel.css("visibility") === "hidden") isPanelVisible = false;

	if (this.isVisible && isPanelVisible)
		var eventType;
		// Set the map mouse coords.
		this.mouseX = event.pageX - this.container.offset().left;
		this.mouseY = event.pageY - this.container.offset().top;
		// Check if mouse is over the map.
		// this handles when the map is resized and cusrsor is
		// on the map but an enter event wasnt fired.
		if ((this.mouseX > this.canvasX && this.mouseX < (this.canvasX + this.canvasWidth))
		&& (this.mouseY >  this.canvasY && this.mouseY < (this.canvasY + this.canvasHeight)))
			this._mouseOverMap = true;
			this._mouseOverMap = false;

		// Mouse event logic.
		if (event.type === "mouseenter") 
			eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_OVER;
			if (this._dragging) $j(document).off(".canvasbasedoc");
			this._mouseOverMap = true;
		else if (event.type === "mouseleave") 
			eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_OUT;
			if (this._dragging) $j(document).on("mousemove.canvasbasedoc mouseup.canvasbasedoc",  this._mouseEventHandler.bind(this));
			this._mouseOverMap = false;
		else if (event.type === "mousemove")
			this._mouseOverMap = true;
			// If the mouse was held down and moved over the map it
			// becomes a ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_DRAG event, otherwise its a ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_MOVE  
			// event, as long as the mouse is over the map.
			// A ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_DRAG event can continue after the mouse is 
			// dragged outside the map.

			if (this._mouseDown && (this._mouseDownX != event.pageX || this._mouseDownY != event.pageY))
				eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_DRAG;
				this._dragging = true;
			else if (this._mouseOverMap)
				eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_MOVE;
		else if (event.type === "mouseup") 
			if (this._dragging)
				eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_DRAG_UP;
				this._dragging = false;
				this._mouseDragged = true;
			else if (this._mouseOverMap) eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_UP;
			this._mouseDown = false;
		else if (event.type === "mousedown") 
			eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_DOWN;

			this._mouseDownX = event.pageX;
			this._mouseDownY = event.pageY;

			this._mouseDragged = false;
			this._mouseDown = true;
		else if (event.type === "mousewheel" 
			|| event.type === "onmousewheel"
			|| event.type === "DOMMouseScroll") 
			if (this._mouseOverMap) event.preventDefault();
			eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_WHEEL;
		else if (event.type === "click") 
			if (this._mouseDragged === false) eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_CLICK;

			// Fix for when google maps stops propagation of events during this._dragging.
			this._dragging = false;
			this._mouseDown = false;
			this._mouseDragged = false;

		if (eventType != null)
			var dataX = this.getDataX(this.mouseX);
			var dataY = this.getDataY(this.mouseY);
			var e = new ia.MapMouseEvent(this, event, eventType, dataX, dataY, this.mouseX, this.mouseY, undefined, undefined, event.pageX, event.pageY);

 * Responsible for handling touch events and then
 * dispatching the relevant map event. 
 * @method _touchEventHandler
 * @param {TouchEvent} event Dispatched by the mouse.
 * @private
ia.CanvasBase.prototype._touchEventHandler = function(event)
	if (this.isVisible)
		var eventType;
		if (!this.embeddedInGoogleMaps) event.preventDefault();

		var mx,my,mx2,my2;

		if (event.originalEvent.touches.length === 2)
			var touch = event.originalEvent.touches[0];
			var touch2 = event.originalEvent.touches[1];

			mx = touch.pageX - this.container.offset().left;
			my = touch.pageY - this.container.offset().top;
			mx2 = touch2.pageX - this.container.offset().left;
			my2 = touch2.pageY - this.container.offset().top;

			if (event.type === "touchstart") 
				eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_PINCH_DOWN;
			else if (event.type === "touchmove")
				eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_PINCH_MOVE;
				this._pinching = true;
			var touch = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0];

			// Get the map mouse coords.
			mx = touch.pageX - this.container.offset().left;
			my = touch.pageY - this.container.offset().top;
			mx2 = null;
			my2 = null; 

			if (event.type === "touchstart") 
				this._touchStart = new Date().getTime();
				eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_DOWN;
			else if (event.type === "touchmove")
				// One finger left down after pinch so convert to drag.
				if (this._pinching)
					this.mouseX = mx;
					this.mouseY = my;

					mouseDownCoords = this.mouseCoords(); 
					mouseDownPixels = new ia.Point(this.mouseX, this.mouseY);

					this._pinching = false;
					this._dragging = true;
					doPan = true;
				// Reduce sensitivity, so we can have a mouse click.
					if (this.isDraggable) eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_DRAG;
					else eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_MOVE;
					this._dragging = true;
			else if (event.type === "touchend") 
				var tEnd = new Date().getTime();
				var touchTime = tEnd - this._touchStart;

				if (this._dragging)
					if (this.isDraggable) eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_DRAG_UP;
					else eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_UP;
					this._dragging = false;
				else if (this._pinching)
					eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_PINCH_UP;
					if (event.originalEvent.touches.length === 0) this._pinching = false;
				else if (touchTime < 500)
					eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_CLICK;
					eventType = ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_UP;

		if (eventType != null)
			if (mx2 != null)
				//this.mouseX = Math.min(mx, mx2) + (Math.abs(mx - mx2)/2);
				//this.mouseY = Math.min(my, my2) + (Math.abs(my - my2)/2);
				this.mouseX = Math.min(mx, mx2);
				this.mouseY = Math.min(my, my2);
				this.mouseX = mx;
				this.mouseY = my;
			var dataX = this.getDataX(this.mouseX);
			var dataY = this.getDataY(this.mouseY);
			var e = new ia.MapMouseEvent(this, event, eventType, dataX, dataY, mx, my, mx2, touch.pageX, touch.pageX);

 * Returns the cursor position in data units.
 * @method mouseCoords
 * @return {ia.Point} The cursor position (data units).
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.mouseCoords = function()  
	var dataX = this.getDataX(this.mouseX);
	var dataY = this.getDataY(this.mouseY);
	var p = new ia.Point(dataX, dataY);
	return p;

 * Exports as an image in a new page.
 * @method exportData
 * @param {String} txt Any text to go with image.
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.exportData = function(txt)
	for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) 
		var layer = this._layers[i];

		if (layer.geometry !== "image")
			if (layer.selectionCanvas) this.context.drawImage(layer.selectionCanvas,0,0);
			if (layer.labelCanvas) this.context.drawImage(layer.labelCanvas,0,0);

	/*var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL("image/png");, "_blank");*/
	var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL("image/png")'<div style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;color:#888888;">'+txt+'</div><p><img style="border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:#DCDCDC;" src="'+dataURL+'"/></p>');

 * Clears and renders the map.
 * @method render
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.render = function()
	for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) {this._layers[i].render();}

 * Clears the canvas.
 * @method clear
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.clear = function()  
	this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
	for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) {this._layers[i].clear();}

 * Clears the foreground canvas.
 * @method clear
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.clearForeground = function()  
	this.foregroundContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.foregroundCanvas.width, this.foregroundCanvas.height);

 * Adds a layer to the map.
 * @method addLayer
 * @param {ia.LayerBase} layer The layer to add.
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.addLayer = function(layer) 
	layer.setMap(this, this.layerContainer);

 * Gets the map layers.
 * @method getLayers
 * @return {ia.LayerBase[]} The layers in the map.
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.getLayers = function() 
	return this._layers;

 * Removes all layers from the map.
 * @method removeLayers
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.removeLayers = function() 
	for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++)  
		var layer = this._layers[i];
	this._layers = new Array();

 * Gets the map layer with the given id.
 * @method getLayer
 * @param {String} id The layer id.
 * @return {ia.LayerBase} The layer, or undefined.
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.getLayer = function(id) 
	for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++)  
		var layer = this._layers[i]
		if ( === id) return layer;
	return undefined;

 * Starts a map drag.
 * @method startDrag
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.startDrag = function()  
	// Fix for when google maps stops propagation of events during this._dragging.
	this._dragging = true;

 * Ends a map drag.
 * @method endDrag
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.endDrag = function()  
	this._dragging = false;
	this._mouseDragged = true;
	this._mouseDown = false;

 * Toggles the chart visibility.
 * @method toggle
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.toggle = function(visible)
	if (this.isVisible) this.hide();

 * Hides the chart.
 * @method hide
ia.CanvasBase.prototype.hide = function()
	if (this.isVisible)
		var me = this;
		me.isVisible = false;
		me.container.animate({opacity: 0}, function() {me.clear();});

 * Shows the chart.
 * @method show
 */ = function()
	if (!this.isVisible)
		this.isVisible = true;
		this.container.animate({opacity: 1}, function() {});