
File: ia\charts\ChartTip.js

 * Creates a data tip.
 * @author J Clare
 * @class ia.ChartTip
 * @constructor
ia.ChartTip = function(container)
	this._container = container;
	this._tipContainer = $j("<svg>").addClass('ia-datatip').hide();

 * Positions the tip.
 * @method position
 * @param {Number} x The x position relative to the container.
 * @param {Number} y The y position relative to the container.
ia.ChartTip.prototype.position = function(x, y)
	//var bodyWidth = this._container.width();
	//var bodyHeight = this._container.height();
	var bodyWidth = $j("body").width();
	var bodyHeight = $j("body").height();
	var tipWidth = this._tipContainer.outerWidth();
	var tipHeight = this._tipContainer.outerHeight();

	// Add the offset from the document.
	if (this._container !== undefined)
		x = x + this._container.offset().left;
		y = y + this._container.offset().top;

	// Check the tip is within the specified document margins.
	var tipMargin = 10;
	if (x < tipMargin) x = tipMargin;
		var xOffset = (x + tipWidth) - (bodyWidth - tipMargin);
		if (xOffset > 0) x = x - xOffset;
	if (y < tipMargin) y = tipMargin;
		var yOffset = (y + tipHeight) - (bodyHeight - tipMargin);
		if (yOffset > 0) y = y - yOffset;
	this._tipContainer.css("left",x + "px").css("top",y + "px");
 * Sets the text.
 * @method text
 * @param {String} text The text.
ia.ChartTip.prototype.text = function(text) {this._tipContainer.html(text);};

 * Returns the width of the tip container.
 * @method getWidth
 * @return {Number} The width.
ia.ChartTip.prototype.getWidth = function() {return this._tipContainer.outerWidth();};

 * Returns the height of the tip container.
 * @method getHeight
 * @return {Number} The height.
ia.ChartTip.prototype.getHeight = function() {return this._tipContainer.outerHeight();};
 * Shows tip.
 * @method show
 */ = function() {this._tipContainer.css("display","inline");};

 * Hides the tip.
 * @method hide
ia.ChartTip.prototype.hide = function() {this._tipContainer.css("display","none")};