
File: ia\charts\layers\ItemLayer.js

 * A <code>ia.ItemEvent</code> object.
 * @author J Clare
 * @class ia.ItemEvent
 * @extends ia.Event
 * @constructor
 * @param eventType The event type.
 * @param {Object} item The item associated with the event.
 * @param {Number} pixelX The pixel x coordinate of the mouse.
 * @param {Number} pixelY The pixel y coordinate of the mouse.
 * @param {Number} dataX The data x coordinate of the mouse.
 * @param {Number} dataY The data y coordinate of the mouse.
 * @param {Number} pageX The page x coordinate in pixels.
 * @param {Number} pageY The page y coordinate in pixels.
ia.ItemEvent = function(eventType, item, pixelX, pixelY, dataX, dataY, pageX, pageY)
{, eventType, item);

	this.item = item;
	this.x = pixelX;
	this.y = pixelY;
	this.dataX = dataX;
	this.dataY = dataY;
	this.pageX = pageX;
	this.pageY = pageY;
ia.extend(ia.Event, ia.ItemEvent);

 * Indicates that the user clicked the mouse button over a canvas but not over an item.
 * @static
 * @final
 * @property NONE_ITEM_CLICK
 * @type String
 * @default "noneItemClick"
ia.ItemEvent.NONE_ITEM_CLICK = "noneItemClick";

 * Indicates that the user clicked the mouse button over a canvas item.
 * @static
 * @final
 * @property ITEM_CLICK
 * @type String
 * @default "itemClick"
ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_CLICK = "itemClick";

 * Indicates that the user pressed the mouse button over a canvas item.
 * @static
 * @final
 * @property ITEM_MOUSE_DOWN
 * @type String
 * @default "itemMouseDown"
ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_DOWN = "itemMouseDown";

 * Indicates that the user released the mouse button over a canvas item.
 * @static
 * @final
 * @property ITEM_MOUSE_UP
 * @type String
 * @default "itemMouseUp"
ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_UP = "itemMouseUp";

 * Indicates that the user moved the mouse pointer while hovering over a canvas.
 * @static
 * @final
 * @property ITEM_MOUSE_MOVE
 * @type String
 * @default "itemMouseMove"
ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_MOVE = "itemMouseMove";

 * Indicates that the user rolled the mouse pointer over a canvas item.
 * @static
 * @final
 * @property ITEM_MOUSE_OVER
 * @type String
 * @default "itemMouseOver"
ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OVER = "itemMouseOver";

 * Indicates that the user rolled the mouse pointer out of a canvas item.
 * @static
 * @final
 * @property ITEM_MOUSE_OUT
 * @type String
 * @default "itemMouseOut"
ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OUT = "itemMouseOut";

 * The item.
 * @property symbol
 * @type String
 * @default ia.Shape.SQUARE

 * The pixel x.
 * @property symbol
 * @type String
 * @default ia.Shape.SQUARE

 * The pixel y.
 * @property symbol
 * @type String
 * @default ia.Shape.SQUARE

 * The data x.
 * @property symbol
 * @type String
 * @default ia.Shape.SQUARE

 * The data y.
 * @property symbol
 * @type String
 * @default ia.Shape.SQUARE

 * The page x.
 * @property symbol
 * @type String
 * @default ia.Shape.SQUARE

 * The page y.
 * @property symbol
 * @type String
 * @default ia.Shape.SQUARE

 * The base class for map layers.
 * @author J Clare
 * @class ia.ItemLayer
 * @extends ia.LayerBase
 * @constructor
 * @param {String} inSource The spatial data source.
ia.ItemLayer = function()

	this._data = new Object();
	this._rollOverItem = undefined;
	this._redrawSelectionTimeout = null;

	this.items = {};
	this.itemArray = [];
	this.doHitTest = true; = {fillStyle:'#ffffff', strokeStyle:'#bbbbbb', lineWidth:'1', lineJoin:'round'};
	this.selectionColor = "#ff0000";
	this.highlightColor = "#00ff00";
	this.selectionIds = [];
	this.dataField = "value";
	this.dataChanged = false;
	this.tip = "";
ia.extend(ia.LayerBase, ia.ItemLayer);

 * Value that indicates the <code>Feature</code> appears selected.
 * @static
 * @final
 * @property SELECTED
 * @type String
 * @default "selected"
ia.ItemLayer.SELECTED = "selected";

 * Value that indicates the <code>Feature</code> appears as if the mouse is
 * over it and is selected.
 * @static
 * @final
 * @type String
 * @default "rollOverSelected"
ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER_SELECTED = "rollOverSelected";

 * Value that indicates the <code>Feature</code> appears as if the mouse is
 * over it.
 * @static
 * @final
 * @property ROLLOVER
 * @type String
 * @default "rollOver"
ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER = "rollOver";

 * Value that indicates the <code>Feature</code> appears unselected.
 * @static
 * @final
 * @property UNSELECTED
 * @type String
 * @default "unselected"
ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED = "unselected";

 * Animation mode.
 * @property animationMode
 * @type Boolean
 * @default false
 * The label canvas associated with this layer.
 * @property symbol
 * @type String
 * @default ia.Shape.SQUARE

 * The label canvas context associated with this layer.
 * @property labelContext
 * @type HTML Canvas Context

 * The highlight canvas associated with this layer.
 * @property highlightCanvas
 * @type HTML Canvas

 * The highlight canvas context associated with this layer.
 * @property highlightContext
 * @type HTML Canvas Context

 * The selection canvas associated with this layer.
 * @property selectionCanvas
 * @type HTML Canvas

 * The selection canvas context associated with this layer.
 * @property selectionContext
 * @type HTML Canvas Context

 * An associate array containing the layer items.
 * @property items
 * @type Associative Array

 * An array containing the layer items.
 * @property itemArray
 * @type Object[]

 * Indicates whether to carry out a hit test.
 * @property doHitTest
 * @type Boolean
 * @default true
 * The layer style.
 * @property style
 * @type Object
 * @default {fillStyle:'#EFEFEF', strokeStyle:'#CCCCCC', lineWidth:'1', lineJoin:'round'}

 * The item selection color.
 * @property selectionColor
 * @type String
 * @default "#ff0000"E

 * The item highlight color.
 * @property highlightColor
 * @type String
 * @default "#00ff00"

 * An array of selected ids.
 * @property selectionIds
 * @type String[]
 * Specifies the field of the data provider that provides the values.
 * @property dataField
 * @type String
 * @default "value"

 * Indicates the data has changed.
 * @property dataChanged
 * @type Boolean
 * @default false

 * The data tip - used by charts that have fixed tip templates.
 * @property tip
 * @type String
 * @default ""

 * Gets a data object for the layer.
 * @method getData
 * @return ["eh11"]{id:"eh11", name:"polwarth", value:2345, associate1:25}
 * <br>["eh12"]{id:"eh12", name:"morningside", value:4347, associate1:45}
 * <br>["eh13"]{id:"eh13", name:"merchiston", value:2496, associate1:25}
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.getData = function()
	return this._data;

 * Sets a data object for the layer.
 * @method setData
 * @param value ["eh11"]{id:"eh11", name:"polwarth", value:2345, associate1:25}
 * <br>["eh12"]{id:"eh12", name:"morningside", value:4347, associate1:45}
 * <br>["eh13"]{id:"eh13", name:"merchiston", value:2496, associate1:25}
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.setData = function(value)
	this._data = value;
	this.dataChanged = true;

 * Sets the label style.
 * @method _setLabelStyle
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._setLabelStyle = function()	
	// Set the map label style.
	var fontFamily = "Verdana";
	var fontSize = 10;
	var fontWeight = "normal";
	var fontFillColor = "#ffffff";
	var fontStrokeColor = "#333333"

	if (  
		if ("font-family")) fontFamily ="font-family");
		if ("color")) fontFillColor = ia.Color.toHex("color"));
		if ("font-weight")) fontWeight ="font-weight");
		if ("font-size")) 
			fontSize ="font-size");
			if (fontSize.indexOf("px") > -1) fontSize = fontSize.substring(0, fontSize.indexOf("px"));
			fontSize = ia.parseInt(fontSize);
		if ("borderRightColor")) fontStrokeColor = ia.Color.toHex("borderRightColor"));

	this.labelContext.font = fontWeight+" "+fontSize+"px "+fontFamily;
	this.labelContext.lineWidth = 2;
	this.labelContext.strokeStyle = fontStrokeColor;
	this.labelContext.fillStyle = fontFillColor;

 * Gets an item with the given id.
 * @method getItem
 * @param {String} id The id of the item to get.
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.getItem = function(id)	
	return this.items[id];

 * Clears the item list.
 * @method clearItems
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.clearItems = function(items)	
	for (var id in this.items) {delete this.items[id];}

 * Handles when to carry out hit tests. 
 * @method _mapEventHandler
 * @param {ia.MapMouseEvent} event A <code>ia.MapMouseEvent</code>.
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._mapEventHandler = function(event)
	// Mouse event logic.
	if (event.type === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_OVER)
		this.doHitTest = true;
	else if (event.type === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_OUT)
		this.doHitTest = false;
	else if (this.doHitTest)

 * Runs a hit test on the layer. 
 * @method _hitTest
 * @param {ia.MapMouseEvent} event A <code>ia.MapMouseEvent</code>.
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._hitTest = function(event)
	if ((this.showDataTips || this.interactive) && this.getVisible())
		var eventType = event.type;
		// Only need to do hit test on mouse move.
		// Added map click for touch events.
		if (eventType === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_MOVE 
		|| eventType === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_DOWN) // Added mouse down for touch screens.
			// Check in order of size  - smallest to largest.
			var n = this.itemArray.length;
			var hitItemList = []
			for (var i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) 
				var item = this.itemArray[i];
				if (item.disabled !== true)
					// Only one item can ever be hit on a mouse move
					// so can break out of loop once its found.
					if (this.hitItem(item, event)) 
						hitItemList[hitItemList.length] = item;

			// Get smallest hit item because thats "on top";
			if (hitItemList.length > 0)
				if (hitItemList[0].size) // Only map poly/line layers need this.
					var dir = 1;
					hitItemList.sort(function(a, b)
						if (a.size < b.size) return -dir;
						if (a.size > b.size) return dir;
						return 0; 
				var item = hitItemList[0];
				if (this._rollOverItem && (item !== this._rollOverItem))  
					this._dispatchItemEvent(event, false, this._rollOverItem);

				this._rollOverItem = item;
				this._dispatchItemEvent(event, true, this._rollOverItem);
			if (this._rollOverItem)
				this._dispatchItemEvent(event, false, this._rollOverItem);
				this._rollOverItem = null;
		// Otherwise check for clicks, mousedowns, etc. on rollover item.
		else if (this._rollOverItem != null) 
			this._dispatchItemEvent(event, true, this._rollOverItem);
		else if (eventType === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_CLICK)
			if (!ia.IS_TOUCH_DEVICE) this.dispatchEvent(new ia.ItemEvent(ia.ItemEvent.NONE_ITEM_CLICK, {parent:this}));

 * Runs a hit test on an item. 
 * @method hitItem
 * @param {Object} item The item to hit test.
 * @param {ia.MapMouseEvent} event A <code>ia.MapMouseEvent</code>.
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.hitItem = function(item, event) {return false;};

 * The hit logic for items in the layer. 
 * @method _dispatchItemEvent
 * @param {ia.MapMouseEvent} event A <code>ia.MapMouseEvent</code>.
 * @param {Boolean} isHit Indicates if the item was hit.
 * @param {Object} item The item that was hit.
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._dispatchItemEvent = function(event, isHit, item)
	var state = item.state;
	var eventType = event.type;
	var itemEventType;
	// Set the item event type.
	if (isHit)
		if (eventType === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_MOVE)
			if (state === ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER || state === ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER_SELECTED) itemEventType = ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_MOVE;
			else itemEventType = ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OVER;
		else if (eventType === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_CLICK) itemEventType = ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_CLICK;
		else if (eventType === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_UP) itemEventType = ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_UP;
		else if (eventType === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_DOWN)  itemEventType = ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_DOWN;
		else if (eventType === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_OUT) 
			if (state === ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER) itemEventType = ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OUT;
			else if (state === ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER_SELECTED) itemEventType = ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OUT;
		else if (eventType === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_WHEEL_END)  itemEventType = ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OVER;
	else if (eventType === ia.MapMouseEvent.MAP_MOUSE_MOVE)
		if (state === ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER || state === ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER_SELECTED) itemEventType = ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OUT;
	// Set the item state.
	if (itemEventType === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OVER)
		if (state === ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED) item.state = ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER;
		else if (state === ia.ItemLayer.SELECTED) item.state = ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER_SELECTED;
	else if (itemEventType === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_CLICK)
		if (state === ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER_SELECTED || state === ia.ItemLayer.SELECTED)  item.state = ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED;
		else  item.state = ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER_SELECTED;
	else if (itemEventType === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OUT) 
		if (state === ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER) item.state = ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED;
		else if (state === ia.ItemLayer.ROLLOVER_SELECTED) item.state = ia.ItemLayer.SELECTED;

	// Dispatch the item event.
	var event = new ia.ItemEvent(itemEventType, item, event.x, event.y, event.dataX, event.dataY, event.pageX, event.pageY);

	// This function is called rather than having it listen for item events to
	// give the layer time to update itself before everything is re-rendered
	// in reaction to the item event.

	if (itemEventType != null) this.dispatchEvent(event);

 * Handles default selection / highlight functionality.
 * @method _itemEventHandler
 * @param event {ia.ItemEvent} An <code>ia.ItemEvent</code> dispatched by this layer.
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._itemEventHandler = function(event) 
	var item = event.item;
	if (this.interactive)
		if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OVER)
			this.highlightItem(item, this.highlightContext);
		else if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_DOWN) 
			if (ia.IS_TOUCH_DEVICE) 
				this.highlightItem(item, this.highlightContext);
		if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_CLICK)
			if (item.state === ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED) 
		else if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OUT) 
		else if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_UP) 
		else if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.NONE_ITEM_CLICK)
			// This never gets called because not listening for this event
			// Its a bug really but left as is because the selection gets cleared  
			// externally by the InteractionGroup - meant KM could use in IAS 
			// where he didnt want a none item click to clear the map selection.
	if (this.showDataTips)
		if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OVER) 
			this.showTip(item, event);
		else if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_DOWN) 
			if (ia.IS_TOUCH_DEVICE) this.showTip(item, event);
		else if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_MOVE) 
			if (!ia.IS_TOUCH_DEVICE) this.showTip(item, event);
		else if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_OUT)  
			if (!ia.IS_TOUCH_DEVICE) this.hideTip();
		else if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_MOUSE_UP) 
		else if (event.type === ia.ItemEvent.ITEM_CLICK) 

 * Supplies the default text for the layer. This can 
 * be replaced with a custom function
 * @method tipFunction
 * @param {Object} item The map item.
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.tipFunction = function(item)	

 * Displays the tip for the passed item
 * @method showTip
 * @param {Object} item The map item.	 
 * @param {ia.ItemEvent} event An <code>ia.ItemEvent</code>.
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.showTip = function(item, event) {};

 * Hides the tip.
 * @method hideTip
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.hideTip = function() {};

 * Removes an id from the selection.
 * @method _removeFromSelection
 * @param {String} id The id of the item.
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._removeFromSelection = function(id)
	var index = this.selectionIds.indexOf(id);
	if (index !== -1) this.selectionIds.splice(index, 1);

 * Adds an id to the selection.
 * @method _addToSelection
 * @param {String} id The id of the item.
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._addToSelection = function(id)
	var index = this.selectionIds.indexOf(id);
	if (index === -1) this.selectionIds.push(id);

 * Checks if an id is selected
 * @method isSelected
 * @param {String} id The id of the item.
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.isSelected = function(id)
	var index = this.selectionIds.indexOf(id);
	if (index !== -1) return true;
	else return false;

 * Selects all the items in the layer.
 * @method selectAll
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.selectAll = function()
	for (var id in this.items) 

 * Selects an item.
 * @method select
 * @param {String} id The id of the item.
 */ = function(id)
	var item = this.getItem(id);
	if (item) 
		item.state = ia.ItemLayer.SELECTED;

 * Unselects an item.
 * @method unselect
 * @param {String} id The id of the item.
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.unselect = function(id)
	var item = this.getItem(id);
	if (item) 
		item.state = ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED;

 * Clears all selections.
 * @method clearSelection
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.clearSelection = function()
	this.selectionIds = [];
	for (var id in this.items) 
		var item = this.items[id];
		if (item) {item.state = ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED;}	

 * Triggers a selection render. Prevents over rendering which results in a frozen browser.
 * @method _triggerRenderSelection
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._triggerRenderSelection = function()
	var me = this;
	if (!this._redrawSelectionTimeout) 
		this._redrawSelectionTimeout = setTimeout(function()
		}.bind(this), 5);

 * Renders the selection canvas.
 * @method renderSelection
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.renderSelection = function()
	this._redrawSelectionTimeout = null;
	var n = this.selectionIds.length;
	for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) 
		var id = this.selectionIds[i];
		var item = this.items[id]
		if (item) {this.selectItem(item);}	
 * Selects the item.
 * @method selectItem
 * @param {Object} item The item to select.
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.selectItem = function(item) {};
 * Hightlights an item.
 * @method highlight
 * @param {String} id The id of the item to highlight.
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.highlight = function(id)
	var item = this.getItem(id);
	if (item) this.highlightItem(item);		

 * Clears all highlights.
 * @method clearHighlight
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.clearHighlight = function()

 * Highlights the item.
 * @method highlightItem
 * @param {Object} item The item to highlight.
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.highlightItem = function(item) {};

 * Clears all canvases in the layer.
 * @method clear
ia.ItemLayer.prototype.clear = function()
	/*if (
		// This is set here because clear() is called by all subclasses when they are rendered.
		// Set the chart item style.
		// * BUG-FIX FF and IE dont recognize border-color but will pick up borderRightColor which is set to be same as border-color in css. *
		if ( &&"borderRightColor")) = ia.Color.toHex("borderRightColor"));
		if ( &&"background-color")) = ia.Color.toHex("background-color"));

	this._rollOverItem = null;

 * Clears a canvas.
 * @method _clearCanvas
 * @param {HTML Canvas} c The canvas to clear.
 * @param {HTML Canvas Context} ctx Its context.
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._clearCanvas = function(c, ctx) 
	if (c) ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);

 * Clears the highlight canvas.
 * @method _clearHighlightGraphics
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._clearHighlightGraphics = function() 
	if (this.interactive) this._clearCanvas(this.highlightCanvas, this.highlightContext);

 * Clears the selection canvas.
 * @method _clearSelectionGraphics
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._clearSelectionGraphics = function() 
	if (this.interactive) this._clearCanvas(this.selectionCanvas, this.selectionContext);

 * Clears the label canvas.
 * @method _clearLabelGraphics
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._clearLabelGraphics = function() 
	if (this.showLabels) 
		this._clearCanvas(this.labelCanvas, this.labelContext);

 * Clears the layer canvases.
 * @method _clearLayerGraphics
 * @private
ia.ItemLayer.prototype._clearLayerGraphics = function() {this._clearCanvas(this.canvas, this.context);};