* The base class for line layers - used by the funnel plot.
* @author J Clare
* @class ia.LineLayer
* @extends ia.ItemLayer
* @constructor
ia.LineLayer = function()
this._xData = new Array();
this._yData = new Array();
this.style = {fillStyle:'#ffffff', strokeStyle:'#888888', lineWidth:'2', lineJoin:'round'};
this.connectMissingValues = false;
ia.extend(ia.ItemLayer, ia.LineLayer);
* The layer style.
* @property style
* @type Object
* @default {fillStyle:'#ffffff', strokeStyle:'#888888', lineWidth:'2', lineJoin:'round'}
* The min x value.
* @property xMinValue
* @type Number
* The max x value.
* @property xMaxValue
* @type Number
* The min y value.
* @property yMinValue
* @type Number
* The max y value.
* @property yMaxValue
* @type Number
* Should a line be drawn through missing values.
* @property connectMissingValues
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* Gets a data object for the x-axis.
* @method getXData
* @return ["eh11"]{id:"eh11", name:"polwarth", value:2345, associate1:25}
* <br/>["eh12"]{id:"eh12", name:"morningside", value:4347, associate1:45}
* <br/>["eh13"]{id:"eh13", name:"merchiston", value:2496, associate1:25}
ia.LineLayer.prototype.getXData = function()
return this._xData;
* Sets a data object for the x-axis.
* @method setXData
* @param value ["eh11"]{id:"eh11", name:"polwarth", value:2345, associate1:25}
* <br/>["eh12"]{id:"eh12", name:"morningside", value:4347, associate1:45}
* <br/>["eh13"]{id:"eh13", name:"merchiston", value:2496, associate1:25}
ia.LineLayer.prototype.setXData = function(value)
this._xData = value;
this.dataChanged = true;
* Gets a data object for the y-axis.
* @method getYData
* @return ["eh11"]{id:"eh11", name:"polwarth", value:2345, associate1:25}
* <br/>["eh12"]{id:"eh12", name:"morningside", value:4347, associate1:45}
* <br/>["eh13"]{id:"eh13", name:"merchiston", value:2496, associate1:25}
ia.LineLayer.prototype.getYData = function()
return this._yData;
* Sets a data object for the y-axis.
* @method setYData
* @param value ["eh11"]{id:"eh11", name:"polwarth", value:2345, associate1:25}
* <br/>["eh12"]{id:"eh12", name:"morningside", value:4347, associate1:45}
* <br/>["eh13"]{id:"eh13", name:"merchiston", value:2496, associate1:25}
ia.LineLayer.prototype.setYData = function(value)
this._yData = value;
this.dataChanged = true;
* Updates the data.
* @method update
ia.LineLayer.prototype.update = function()
if (this.map && this.dataChanged)
// Clear the items.
this.itemArray = [];
this.xMinValue = Infinity;
this.xMaxValue = -Infinity;
this.yMinValue = Infinity;
this.yMaxValue = -Infinity;
// Just one item to represent the line.
var chartItem = {};
chartItem.id = "myLineId";
chartItem.name = "myLineName";
chartItem.state = ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED;
chartItem.parent = this;
chartItem.layer = this;
this.items[chartItem.id] = chartItem;
this.dataChanged = false;
* Renders the data.
* @method render
ia.LineLayer.prototype.render = function()
// Clear the canvas.
// Reset the context styles in case the layer styles has changed.
for (var p in this.style)
this.context[p] = this.style[p];
this.highlightContext[p] = this.style[p];
this.highlightContext.strokeStyle = ia.Color.toRGBA(this.highlightColor);
// Render the items.
var nItems = this.itemArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nItems; i++)
var chartItem = this.itemArray[i];
* Highlights the item.
* @method highlightItem
* @param {Object} item The item.
ia.LineLayer.prototype.highlightItem = function(item)
// Clip.
if (!ia.IS_IE_TEN)
this.highlightContext.rect(this.map.canvasX, this.map.canvasY, this.map.canvasWidth, this.map.canvasHeight);
this._drawItem(item, this.highlightContext);
* Renders the item to the given context.
* @method _renderItem
* @param {Object} item The item.
* @private
ia.LineLayer.prototype._renderItem = function(item)
// Clip.
if (!ia.IS_IE_TEN)
this.context.rect(this.map.canvasX, this.map.canvasY, this.map.canvasWidth, this.map.canvasHeight);
this._drawItem(item, this.context);
* Does the actual drawing.
* @method _drawItem
* @param {Object} item The item.
* @param {HTML Canvas Context} ctx The context to render to.
* @private
ia.LineLayer.prototype._drawItem = function(item, ctx)
// Loop through the data.
var n = this._xData.length;
var moveToDone = false;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var xValue = this._xData[i];
var yValue = this._yData[i];
if (ia.isNumber(xValue) && ia.isNumber(yValue))
var x = this.map.getPixelX(xValue);
var y = this.map.getPixelY(yValue);
// Cut off points outside chart. Dont need this now using clip instead.
/*if (x > this.map.canvasX && x < (this.map.canvasX + this.map.canvasWidth)
&& (y > this.map.canvasY && y < (this.map.canvasY + this.map.canvasHeight)))
if (moveToDone === false)
moveToDone = true;
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
else ctx.lineTo(x, y);
* Runs a hit test on an item.
* @method hitItem
* @param {Object} item The item to hit test.
* @param {ia.MapMouseEvent} event An <code>ia.MapMouseEvent</code>.
ia.LineLayer.prototype.hitItem = function(item, event)
var isHit = this._pointInLine(event.x, event.y);
return isHit;
* Query if a point lies completely within a polygon.
* @method _pointInLine
* @param {Number} pointX The pixel x coordinate of the test point.
* @param {Number} pointY The pixel y coordinate of the test point.
* @private
ia.LineLayer.prototype._pointInLine = function(pointX, pointY)
var buffer = 4;
var r = new ia.Rectangle(pointX - buffer, pointY - buffer, (buffer*2), (buffer*2))
var n = this._xData.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
var x1 = this.map.getPixelX(this._xData[i]);
var y1 = this.map.getPixelY(this._yData[i]);
var x2 = this.map.getPixelX(this._xData[i+1]);
var y2 = this.map.getPixelY(this._yData[i+1]);
if (r.intersectsLine({x:x1,y:y1}, {x:x2,y:y2})) return true;
return false;
* Displays the tip for the passed item
* @method showTip
* @param {Object} item The map item.
* @param {ia.ItemEvent} event An <code>ia.ItemEvent</code>.
ia.LineLayer.prototype.showTip = function(item, event)
var px,py;
px = event.x - (this.map.datatip.getWidth() / 2);
py = event.y - (this.map.datatip.getHeight() + 30);
px = event.x + 10;
py = event.y - this.map.datatip.getHeight();
this.map.datatip.position(px, py);