
File: ia\charts\layers\PieLayer.js

 * The base class for pie layers.
 * @author J Clare
 * @class ia.PieLayer
 * @extends ia.ItemLayer
 * @constructor
ia.PieLayer = function()
	this._piePadding = 10;
	this._pieTotal = 0;
	this._pieRadius = 0;
	this._pieCenterX = 0;
	this._pieCenterY = 0;
	this.isLegendComponent = true;
ia.extend(ia.ItemLayer, ia.PieLayer);

 * Specifies a thematic for the pie layer.
 * @property thematic
 * @type ia.Thematic

 * Indicates this is a legend component.
 * @property isLegendComponent
 * @type Boolean
 * @default true

 * Updates the data.
 * @method update
ia.PieLayer.prototype.update = function() 
	// Clear the items.
	this.itemArray = [];

	var classes = this.thematic.getClasses();
	for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) 
		var legendClass = classes[i];

		// Create a new chart item.
		var chartItem = {}; = legendClass.index;
		chartItem.legendClass = legendClass;
		chartItem.color = legendClass.color;
		chartItem.value = legendClass.items.length;
		chartItem.state = ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED;
		if (this.selectionIds.indexOf( !== -1 ) chartItem.state = ia.ItemLayer.SELECTED;
		chartItem.parent = this;
		chartItem.layer = this;
		this.items[] = chartItem;

 * Renders the data.
 * @method render
ia.PieLayer.prototype.render = function() 
	// Clear the canvas.
	this._pieRadius = (Math.min(, / 2) - this._piePadding;
	this._pieCenterX = / 2;
     	this._pieCenterY = / 2;
	// Reset the context styles in case the layer styles has changed.
	for (var p in 
		this.context[p] =[p];
		this.selectionContext[p] =[p];
		this.highlightContext[p] =[p];
	this.selectionContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)";
	this.selectionContext.strokeStyle = this.selectionColor;
	this.selectionContext.lineWidth = parseFloat( + 1;

	this.highlightContext.fillStyle = ia.Color.toRGBA(this.highlightColor, 0.3);
	this.highlightContext.strokeStyle = ia.Color.toRGBA(this.highlightColor, 0.8);
	this.highlightContext.lineWidth = parseFloat( + 1;

	// Render the items.
	var startAngle = 1.5 * Math.PI;
	var endAngle = 0;
	var nItems = this.itemArray.length;
	if (nItems === 0)
		// Draw empty circle for when theres no data.
			 ia.Shape.drawCircle(this.context, this._pieCenterX, this._pieCenterY, this._pieRadius*2);
		// Calculate the pie total.
		this._pieTotal = 0;
		for (var i = 0; i < nItems; i++) 
			var chartItem = this.itemArray[i];
			var itemValue = parseFloat(chartItem.value);
			if (itemValue > 0) this._pieTotal = this._pieTotal + itemValue;
		// Render the items.
		for (var i = 0; i < nItems; i++) 
			var chartItem = this.itemArray[i];
			var itemValue = parseFloat(chartItem.value);

			if (itemValue > 0)
				var perc = ia.round((itemValue / this._pieTotal) * 100, 2);
				// Tip replacement.
				if (this.tip !== "")
					var label = this.tip;
					label = label.split("${name}").join(chartItem.legendClass.getLabel());
					label = label.split("${value}").join(itemValue);
					label = label.split("${percentage}").join(perc);
					chartItem.label = label;
				else chartItem.label = chartItem.legendClass.getLabel() + " : " + perc + "%";

				// Give the item a starting and ending angle
				// which will enable us to render a pie segment.

				endAngle = startAngle + Math.PI * 2 * (itemValue / this._pieTotal);

				chartItem.startAngle = startAngle
				chartItem.endAngle = endAngle
				chartItem.angleSize = endAngle - startAngle;

				startAngle = endAngle;


		// Render the selection.
 * Renders the item to the given context.
 * @method _renderItem
 * @param {Object} item The item.
 * @private
ia.PieLayer.prototype._renderItem = function(item)
	this.context.fillStyle = item.color;
	this._drawItem(item, this.context);

 * Selects the item.
 * @method selectItem
 * @param {Object} item The item.
ia.PieLayer.prototype.selectItem = function(item)
	this._drawItem(item, this.selectionContext);

 * Highlights the item.
 * @method highlightItem
 * @param {Object} item The item.
ia.PieLayer.prototype.highlightItem = function(item)
	this._drawItem(item, this.highlightContext);

 * Does the actual drawing.
 * @method _drawItem
 * @param {Object} item The item.
 * @param {HTML Canvas Context} ctx The context to render to.
 * @private
ia.PieLayer.prototype._drawItem = function(item, ctx)
		ctx.moveTo(this._pieCenterX, this._pieCenterY);
		ctx.arc(this._pieCenterX, this._pieCenterY, this._pieRadius, item.startAngle, item.endAngle, false);
		ctx.lineTo(this._pieCenterX, this._pieCenterY);

 * Runs a hit test on an item. 
 * @method hitItem
 * @param {Object} item The item to hit test.
 * @param {ia.MapMouseEvent} event An <code>ia.MapMouseEvent</code>.
ia.PieLayer.prototype.hitItem = function(item, event)
	return this._pointInSlice(item, event.x, event.y);

 * Query if a point lies completely within a pie slice.
 * @method _pointInSlice
 * @param {Object} item The item to hit test.
 * @param {Number} pointX The x coordinate of the test point.
 * @param {Number} pointY The y coordinate of the test point.
 * @private
ia.PieLayer.prototype._pointInSlice = function(item, pointX, pointY)
	var angle = item.endAngle - item.startAngle
	var p0X = this._pieCenterX;
	var p0Y = this._pieCenterY;
	var p1X = p0X + (this._pieRadius * Math.cos(item.startAngle));
	var p1Y = p0Y + (this._pieRadius * Math.sin(item.startAngle));
	var p2X = p0X + (this._pieRadius * Math.cos(item.startAngle+(angle/4)));
	var p2Y = p0Y + (this._pieRadius * Math.sin(item.startAngle+(angle/4)));
	var p3X = p0X + (this._pieRadius * Math.cos(item.startAngle+(angle/2)));
	var p3Y = p0Y + (this._pieRadius * Math.sin(item.startAngle+(angle/2)));
	var p4X = p0X + (this._pieRadius * Math.cos(item.startAngle+(angle/1.5)));
	var p4Y = p0Y + (this._pieRadius * Math.sin(item.startAngle+(angle/1.5)));
	var p5X = p0X + (this._pieRadius * Math.cos(item.startAngle+angle));
	var p5Y = p0Y + (this._pieRadius * Math.sin(item.startAngle+angle));
	var coords = [{x:p0X,y:p0Y},{x:p1X,y:p1Y},{x:p2X,y:p2Y},{x:p3X,y:p3Y},{x:p4X,y:p4Y},{x:p5X,y:p5Y},{x:p0X,y:p0Y}];
	return this._pointInPoly(coords, pointX, pointY);

 * Query if a point lies completely within a polygon.
 * @method _pointInPoly
 * @param {Number[]} coords The coords to hit test.
 * @param {Number} pointX The x coordinate of the test point.
 * @param {Number} pointY The y coordinate of the test point.
 * @private
ia.PieLayer.prototype._pointInPoly = function(coords, pointX, pointY)
	var i, j, c = 0;
	for (i = 0, j = coords.length - 1; i < coords.length; j = i++)
		if (((coords[i].y > pointY) !== (coords[j].y > pointY)) && (pointX < (coords[j].x - coords[i].x) * (pointY - coords[i].y) / (coords[j].y - coords[i].y) + coords[i].x))
			c = !c;
	return c;

 * Displays the tip for the passed item
 * @method showTip
 * @param {Object} item The map item.	 
 * @param {ia.ItemEvent} event An <code>ia.ItemEvent</code>.
ia.PieLayer.prototype.showTip = function(item, event)
	var px,py;
		px = event.x - ( / 2);
		py = event.y - ( + 30);
		// Removed this to fix pointer-events issue in IE - can add back in when this is fixed.
		/*var angle = item.endAngle - item.startAngle;
		px = this._pieCenterX + ((this._pieRadius * Math.cos(item.startAngle+(angle/2)))/2);
		py = this._pieCenterY + ((this._pieRadius * Math.sin(item.startAngle+(angle/2)))/2);
		if (px < this._pieCenterX) px = px -;
		if (py < this._pieCenterY) py = py -;*/

		px = event.x  / 2;
		py = event.y - ( + 5);
	}, py);;