* The base class for time series layers.
* @author J Clare
* @class ia.TimeBarLayer
* @extends ia.ItemLayer
* @constructor
ia.TimeBarLayer = function()
this._minBarWidthForStroke = 10;
this._renderTimeout = null;
this.selectedDate = "";
this.highlightSelectedDate = false;
this.colorPalette = new ia.ColorPalette();
ia.extend(ia.ItemLayer, ia.TimeBarLayer);
* The selected date.
* @property selectedDate
* @type String
* Should the selected date be highlighted.
* @property highlightSelectedDate
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* The min bar value.
* @property minValue
* @type Number
* The max bar value.
* @property maxValue
* @type Number
* Specifies a color palette for the layer.
* @property colorPalette
* @type ia.ColorPalette
* Updates the data.
* @method update
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype.update = function()
// Check if the data has changed
if (this.map && this.dataChanged)
// Get the data.
var data = this.getData();
// Clear the items.
this.itemArray = [];
this.minValue = Infinity;
this.maxValue = -Infinity;
if (data.dates)
// First off get the list of ids to loop through.
var indData = data[data.dates[0]];
var dateLength = data.dates.length;
// Loop through the data.
for (var id in indData)
// Get the data item.
var dataItem = indData[id];
// Create a new chart item.
var chartItem = {};
chartItem.id = dataItem.id;
chartItem.name = dataItem.name;
chartItem.state = ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED;
if (this.selectionIds.indexOf(chartItem.id) !== -1 ) chartItem.state = ia.ItemLayer.SELECTED;
chartItem.parent = this;
chartItem.layer = this;
if (this.isComparison)
var legendClass = this.thematic.getClass(chartItem.id);
if (legendClass) chartItem.color = legendClass.color;
this.items[dataItem.id] = chartItem;
// Now add child items for each date.
chartItem.childItems = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dateLength; i++)
var date = data.dates[i];
var dataItem = data[date][id];
// Has to be a number to be displayed in a bar chart
var value = dataItem[this.dataField];
if (ia.isNumber(value))
var childItem = {};
childItem.id = id+"~"+date;
childItem.name = date;
childItem.rect = new ia.Rectangle();
childItem.hitArea = new ia.Rectangle();
childItem.value = value;
childItem.formattedValue = dataItem[this.dataField+"_formatted"];
if (this.isComparison)
if (this.selectionIds.indexOf(chartItem.id) !== -1 )
// Get the min and max bar values for the layer.
this.minValue = Math.min(this.minValue, value);
this.maxValue = Math.max(this.maxValue, value);
chartItem.state = ia.ItemLayer.SELECTED;
if (this.displayAll)
// Get the min and max bar values for the layer.
this.minValue = Math.min(this.minValue, value);
this.maxValue = Math.max(this.maxValue, value);
// Get the min and max bar values for the layer.
this.minValue = Math.min(this.minValue, childItem.value);
this.maxValue = Math.max(this.maxValue, childItem.value);
chartItem.childItems[chartItem.childItems.length] = childItem;
else chartItem.childItems[chartItem.childItems.length] = {name:date, value:undefined};
this.dataChanged = false;
* Renders the data.
* @method render
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype.render = function()
this._renderTimeout = null;
// Clear the canvas.
// Reset the context styles in case the layer styles has changed.
for (var p in this.style)
this.context[p] = this.style[p];
this.highlightContext[p] = this.style[p];
this.highlightContext.strokeStyle = ia.Color.toRGBA(this.highlightColor, 0.8);
this.highlightContext.fillStyle = ia.Color.toRGBA(this.highlightColor, 0.1);
this.highlightContext.lineWidth = parseFloat(this.style.lineWidth) + 1;
// Render the items.
var data = this.getData();
if (data.dates)
var nDates = data.dates.length;
if (this.map.orientation === "vertical") this._maxBarWidth = ((this.map.canvasWidth / nDates)) * 0.7;
else this._maxBarWidth = ((this.map.canvasHeight / nDates)) * 0.7;
if (this.map.orientation === "vertical")
this._barSize = this._maxBarWidth / this.selectionIds.length;
this._barSize = this._maxBarWidth / this.selectionIds.length;
// Render selected date region.
if (this.highlightSelectedDate)
var dates = data.dates;
var index = dates.indexOf(this.selectedDate);
if (index !== -1)
this.context.fillStyle = ia.Color.toRGBA(this.selectionColor, 0.07);
this.context.lineWidth = 0;
var x = this.map.canvasX + ((index / dates.length) * this.map.canvasWidth);
var y = this.map.canvasY;
var w = this.map.canvasWidth / dates.length;
var h = this.map.canvasHeight;
this.context.rect(x, y, w, h);
// Set the items shape for all features - so they can be drawn when highlighted.
var nItems = this.itemArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nItems; i++)
var chartItem = this.itemArray[i];
var nChildItems = chartItem.childItems.length;
for (var j = 0; j < nChildItems; j++)
var childItem = chartItem.childItems[j];
if (childItem.value !== undefined) this._setItemShape(childItem, j, nChildItems);
// Render the selected features.
var n = this.selectionIds.length;
var colorList = this.colorPalette.getColors(n);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
// Get the data item.
var id = this.selectionIds[i]
var chartItem = this.items[id];
chartItem.color = colorList[i];
if (chartItem)
var nChildItems = chartItem.childItems.length;
for (var j = 0; j < nChildItems; j++)
var childItem = chartItem.childItems[j];
if (childItem.value !== undefined) this._setItemShape(childItem, j, nChildItems, i);
* Sets an items dimensions.
* @method _setItemShape
* @param {Object} item The item.
* @param {Number} childIndex The index of the child item.
* @param {Number} nChildItems The number of child items.
* @param {Number} itemIndex The index of the item.
* @private
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype._setItemShape = function(item, childIndex, nChildItems, itemIndex)
var nItems = this.selectionIds.length;
if (this.map.orientation === "vertical")
// Calculate the bounding box of the chart item.
var barY, barHeight;
if (this.map.getBBox().getYMin() < 0) // Chart with negative values.
if (item.value < 0) barY = this.map.getPixelY(0);
else barY = this.map.getPixelY(item.value);
barHeight = this.map.getPixelHeight(Math.abs(item.value));
else // Chart min is 0 or greater.
var barY = this.map.getPixelY(item.value);
barHeight = this.map.getPixelHeight(Math.abs(item.value) - this.map.getBBox().getYMin());
// Adjust for when bar value is outside fixed min/max values.
if (item.value < this.map.getBBox().getYMin())
barY = this.map.canvasY + this.map.canvasHeight;
barHeight = barHeight - this.map.getPixelHeight(Math.abs(item.value) - this.map.getBBox().getYMin());
if (item.value > this.map.getBBox().getYMax())
barY = this.map.canvasY;
barHeight = barHeight - this.map.getPixelHeight(Math.abs(item.value) - this.map.getBBox().getYMax());
// The pixel drawing rectangle for the bar.
item.rect.y = barY
item.rect.height = barHeight;
item.rect.width = this._barSize;
var gap = ((this.map.canvasWidth / nChildItems) - (this._maxBarWidth)) / 2;
item.rect.x = (this.map.canvasX + (childIndex / nChildItems) * this.map.canvasWidth) + gap + (itemIndex * item.rect.width);
// The pixel hit area for the bar.
// Stretches the full height of the chart and full width of area reserved for bar.
item.hitArea.x = item.rect.x;
item.hitArea.y = this.map.canvasY;
item.hitArea.width = item.rect.width;
item.hitArea.height = this.map.canvasHeight;
// Check bar width is within accepted size limits.
if (item.rect.width > this._maxBarWidth)
item.rect.x = item.rect.x + ((item.rect.width - this._maxBarWidth) / 2);
item.rect.width = this._maxBarWidth;
else if (item.rect.width < this._minBarWidthForStroke)
// Creates a slight bar overlap so you dont get whiteline rendering problem.
// Calculate the bounding box of the chart item.
var barX, barWidth;
if (this.map.getBBox().getXMin() < 0) // Chart with negative values.
if (item.value < 0) barX = this.map.getPixelX(item.value);
else barX = this.map.getPixelX(0);
barWidth = this.map.getPixelWidth(Math.abs(item.value));
else // Chart min is 0 or greater.
var barX = this.map.getPixelX(this.map.getBBox().getXMin());
barWidth = this.map.getPixelWidth(Math.abs(item.value) - this.map.getBBox().getXMin());
// Adjust for when bar value is outside fixed min/max values.
if (item.value < this.map.getBBox().getXMin())
barX = this.map.canvasX;
barWidth = barWidth - this.map.getPixelWidth(Math.abs(item.value) - Math.abs(this.map.getBBox().getXMin()));
if (item.value > this.map.getBBox().getXMax())
barWidth = barWidth - this.map.getPixelWidth(Math.abs(item.value) - Math.abs(this.map.getBBox().getXMax()));
// The pixel drawing rectangle for the bar.
item.rect.x = barX;
item.rect.width = barWidth;
item.rect.height = this._barSize;
var gap = ((this.map.canvasHeight / nChildItems) - (this._maxBarWidth)) / 2;
item.rect.y = (this.map.canvasY + (childIndex/nChildItems) * this.map.canvasHeight) + gap + (itemIndex * item.rect.height);
// The pixel hit area for the bar.
// Stretches the full width of the chart and full height of area reserved for bar.
item.hitArea.x = this.map.canvasX;
item.hitArea.y = item.rect.y;
item.hitArea.width = this.map.canvasWidth;
item.hitArea.height = item.rect.height;
// Check bar width is within accepted size limits.
if (item.rect.height > this._maxBarWidth)
item.rect.y = item.rect.y + ((item.rect.height - this._maxBarWidth) / 2);
item.rect.height = this._maxBarWidth;
else if (item.rect.height < this._minBarWidthForStroke)
// Creates a slight bar overlap so you dont get whiteline rendering problem.
* Renders the item to the given context.
* @method _renderItem
* @param {Object} item The item.
* @private
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype._renderItem = function(item)
this.context.fillStyle = item.color;
this._drawItem(item, this.context);
* Selects the item.
* @method selectItem
* @param {Object} item The item.
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype.selectItem = function(item) {this._triggerRender();};
* Unselects an item.
* @method unselect
* @param {String} id The id of the item.
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype.unselect = function(id)
var item = this.getItem(id);
if (item)
item.state = ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED;
var index = this.selectionIds.indexOf(id);
if (index !== -1) this.selectionIds.splice(index, 1);
* Clears all selections.
* @method clearSelection
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype.clearSelection = function()
this.selectionIds = [];
for (var id in this.items)
var item = this.items[id];
if (item) {item.state = ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED;}
* Triggers a render. Prevents over rendering which results in a frozen browser.
* @method _triggerRender
* @private
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype._triggerRender = function()
if (!this._renderTimeout)
var me = this;
this._renderTimeout = setTimeout(function()
}, 5);
* Highlights the item.
* @method highlightItem
* @param {Object} item The item.
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype.highlightItem = function(item)
var n = item.childItems.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var childItem = item.childItems[i];
if (childItem.value !== undefined)
var drawStroke = false
if (this.map.orientation === "vertical")
var x1 = this.map.canvasX + ((this.map.canvasWidth / n) * i);
var x2 = this.map.canvasX + ((this.map.canvasWidth / n) * (i+1));
var y1 = childItem.rect.y;
if (childItem.value < 0) y1 = y1 + childItem.rect.height;
var y2 = y1;
if (childItem.value >= this.map.getBBox().getYMin()
&& childItem.value <= this.map.getBBox().getYMax())
drawStroke = true;
var x1 = childItem.rect.x + childItem.rect.width;
if (childItem.value < 0) x1 = x1 - childItem.rect.width;
var x2 = x1;
var y1 = this.map.canvasY + ((this.map.canvasHeight / n) * i);
var y2 = this.map.canvasY + ((this.map.canvasHeight / n) * (i+1));
if (childItem.value >= this.map.getBBox().getXMin()
&& childItem.value <= this.map.getBBox().getXMax())
drawStroke = true;
if (drawStroke)
this.highlightContext.moveTo(x1, y1);
this.highlightContext.lineTo(x2, y2);
if (this.map.orientation === "vertical") this.highlightContext.rect(x1, childItem.rect.y, x2-x1, childItem.rect.height);
else this.highlightContext.rect(childItem.rect.x, y1, childItem.rect.width, y2-y1);
* Does the actual drawing.
* @method _drawItem
* @param {Object} item The item.
* @param {HTML Canvas Context} ctx The context to render to.
* @private
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype._drawItem = function(item, ctx)
var n = item.childItems.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var childItem = item.childItems[i];
if (childItem.value !== undefined)
ctx.rect(childItem.rect.x, childItem.rect.y, childItem.rect.width, childItem.rect.height);
if (this.map.animationMode && childItem.name === this.selectedDate) break;
//if (this._barSize >= this._minBarWidthForStroke) ctx.stroke();
* Runs a hit test on an item.
* @method hitItem
* @param {Object} item The item to hit test.
* @param {ia.MapMouseEvent} event An <code>ia.MapMouseEvent</code>.
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype.hitItem = function(item, event)
if (this.isSelected(item.id))
var n = item.childItems.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var childItem = item.childItems[i];
if (childItem.value !== undefined)
if (childItem.hitArea.intersects(event.x,event.y)) return true;
return false;
* Displays the tip for the passed item
* @method showTip
* @param {Object} item The map item.
* @param {ia.ItemEvent} event An <code>ia.ItemEvent</code>.
ia.TimeBarLayer.prototype.showTip = function(item, event)
var n = item.childItems.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var childItem = item.childItems[i];
if (childItem.value !== undefined)
if (childItem.hitArea.intersects(event.x,event.y))
// Tip replacement.
if (this.tip !== "")
var label = this.tip;
label = label.split("${name}").join(item.name);
label = label.split("${date}").join(childItem.name);
label = label.split("${label}").join(childItem.name);
label = label.split("${value}").join(childItem.formattedValue);
else this.map.datatip.text(item.name+" : "+childItem.name+" : "+childItem.formattedValue);
// Position above the bar.
var px,py;
px = event.x - (this.map.datatip.getWidth() / 2);
py = event.y - (this.map.datatip.getHeight() + 30);
if (this.map.orientation === "vertical")
px = (childItem.rect.x + (childItem.rect.width / 2)) - (this.map.datatip.getWidth() / 2);
if (childItem.value < 0)
py = childItem.rect.y + childItem.rect.height + 5;
py = childItem.rect.y - this.map.datatip.getHeight() - 5;
if (childItem.value < 0)
px = childItem.rect.x - (this.map.datatip.getWidth() + 5);
px = (childItem.rect.x + childItem.rect.width) + 5;
py = (childItem.rect.y + (childItem.rect.height / 2)) - (this.map.datatip.getHeight() / 2);
this.map.datatip.position(px, py);