File: ia\config\PropertyConfig.js
* Contains the configuration information for a report property.
* @author J Clare
* @class ia.PropertyConfig
* @constructor
* @param {XML} xml The XML data that describes the property.
* @param {ia.ReportConfig|ia.ComponentConfig} parent The parent the property belongs to.
ia.PropertyConfig = function(xml, parent)
var me = this;
this.parent = parent;
this.xml = xml;
// Read in attributes as properties of this object.
$j.each(xml.attributes, function(i, attrib)
me[] = attrib.value;
me.value = me.castValue(me.value);
if (me.choices) me.choices = me.choices.split(';');
* The parent the property belongs to.
* @property parent
* @type ia.ReportConfig|ia.ComponentConfig
* The raw xml data describing the object.
* @property xml
* @type XML
* Casts the raw value to the correct data type.
* @method castValue
* @param {String} rawValue The raw value.
* @return {Number|String|Boolean|Number[]|String[]|Boolean[]} The value cast to the correct data type.
ia.PropertyConfig.prototype.castValue = function(rawValue)
if (this.type === "float")
if (rawValue === "") return undefined;
else return parseFloat(rawValue);
else if (this.type === "integer")
if (rawValue === "") return undefined;
else return ia.parseInt(rawValue);
else if (this.type === "boolean")
if (rawValue === true || rawValue === false) return rawValue;
else return (rawValue === "true");
else if ((this.type === "string-array") || (this.type === "colour-array"))
if (rawValue === "") return undefined;
var entries = rawValue.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++)
if (entries[i].substring(0, 1) === "'")
entries[i] = entries[i].substring(1);
if (entries[i].substring(entries[i].length - 1) === "'")
entries[i] = entries[i].substring(0, entries[i].length - 1);
return entries;
else if (this.type === "float-array")
if (rawValue === "") return undefined;
var vals = rawValue.split(',');
var numbers = new Array(vals.length);
for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)
numbers[i] = parseFloat(vals[i]);
return numbers;
else if (this.type === "integer-array")
if (rawValue === "") return undefined;
vals = rawValue.split(',');
var numbers = new Array(vals.length);
for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)
numbers[i] = ia.parseInt(vals[i]);
return numbers;
else if (this.type === "boolean-array")
vals = rawValue.split(',');
var bools = new Array(vals.length);
for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)
bools[i] = (vals[i] === "true");
return bools;
if (rawValue === "") return undefined;
else return rawValue;