File: ia\config\ReportConfig.js
* Used to load and parse a config.xml file.
* @author J Clare
* @class ia.ReportConfig
* @constructor
* @param {String} source The url for the config.xml file.
ia.ReportConfig = function() {};
* The raw xml data describing the object.
* @property xml
* @type XML
* Loads in a source file containing the configuration xml.
* @method loadSource
* @param {String} url The url to the data.
* @param {Function} callbackFunction The call back function.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.loadSource = function(url, callbackFunction)
var me = this;
url: url,
dataType: "xml",
me.parseXML(xml, callbackFunction);
* Parses in an XML object containing the configuration xml.
* @method parseXML
* @param {XML} xml The xml data.
* @param {Function} callbackFunction The call back function.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.parseXML = function(xml, callbackFunction)
var me = this;
me.xml = xml;
var $xml = $j(xml);
// Read in AtlasInterface attributes as properties of this object.
var xmlAtlasInterface = $xml.find("AtlasInterface").get(0);
$j.each(xmlAtlasInterface.attributes, function(i, attrib)
me[] = attrib.value;
// For AGOL.
var index = me.template.indexOf("::arcgisonline")
if (index !== -1) me.template = me.template.substring(0, index);
// Components.
me._componentArray = [];
me._componentHash = {};
var $xmlComponents = $xml.find("Component");
$j.each($xmlComponents, function(i, xmlComponent)
// Check the components visible.
// It could be still in the config file if it
// hasnt been processed in the designer.
// ie When the atlas is first published.
if ($j(xmlComponent).attr("visible") === "true")
var c = new ia.ComponentConfig(xmlComponent);
me._componentArray[me._componentArray.length] = c;
me._componentHash[] = c;
// Tables.
var $xmlTables = $xml.find("Table");
$j.each($xmlTables, function(i, xmlTable)
// Check the tables visible.
// It could be still in the config file if it
// hasnt been processed in the designer.
// ie When the atlas is first published.
if ($j(xmlTable).attr("visible") === "true")
var c = new ia.TableConfig(xmlTable);
me._componentArray[me._componentArray.length] = c;
me._componentHash[] = c;
// Property Groups. = {};
var $xmlGroups = $xml.find("PropertyGroup");
$j.each($xmlGroups, function(i, xmlPropertyGroup)
var $properties = $j(xmlPropertyGroup).find("Property");
$j.each($properties, function(j, propertyXml)
var p = new ia.PropertyConfig(propertyXml, me);[] = p;
// Buttons.
me._buttonArray = [];
me._buttonHash = {};
var $xmlButtons = $xml.find("Button");
$j.each($xmlButtons, function(i, xmlButton)
var c = new ia.ButtonConfig(xmlButton);
me._buttonArray[me._buttonArray.length] = c;
me._buttonHash[] = c;
// Text.
me._textArray = [];
me._textHash = {};
var $xmlTexts = $xml.find("Text");
$j.each($xmlTexts, function(i, xmlText)
var c = new ia.TextConfig(xmlText);
me._textArray[me._textArray.length] = c;
me._textHash[] = c;
// Images.
me._imageArray = [];
me._imageHash = {};
var $xmlImages = $xml.find("Image");
$j.each($xmlImages, function(i, xmlImage)
var c = new ia.ImageConfig(xmlImage);
me._imageArray[me._imageArray.length] = c;
me._imageHash[] = c;
// ia.Map Palettes.
me._palette = new ia.PaletteConfig($xml.find("MapPalettes"), me.getProperty("noDataColor"));, me); // Return.
* Returns all widgets in the config ie a concatenation of all components, tables, buttons, text and images.
* @method getWidgets
* @return {ia.ComponentConfig|ia.TableConfig|ia.ButtonConfig|ia.TextConfig|ia.ImageConfig[]} An array of widgets.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getWidgets = function() {return this._componentArray.concat(this._buttonArray).concat(this._textArray).concat(this._imageArray);};
* Returns the widget that corresponds to the id.
* @method getComponent
* @param {String} id The id.
* @return {ia.ComponentConfig|ia.TableConfig|ia.ButtonConfig|ia.TextConfig|ia.ImageConfig} The widget.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getWidget = function(id)
if (this.getComponent(id)) return this.getComponent(id);
else if (this.getButton(id)) return this.getButton(id);
else if (this.getText(id)) return this.getText(id);
else if (this.getImage(id)) return this.getImage(id);
* Returns the components.
* @method getComponents
* @return {ia.ComponentConfig[]} An array of components.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getComponents = function() {return this._componentArray;};
* Returns the component that corresponds to the id.
* @method getComponent
* @param {String} id The id.
* @return {ia.ComponentConfig} The component.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getComponent = function(id) {return this._componentHash[id];};
* Returns the buttons.
* @method getButtons
* @return {ia.ButtonConfig[]} An array of buttons.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getButtons = function() {return this._buttonArray;};
* Returns the button that corresponds to the id.
* @method getButton
* @param {String} id The id.
* @return {ia.ButtonConfig} The button.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getButton = function(id) {return this._buttonHash[id];};
* Returns the text.
* @method getTexts
* @return {ia.TextConfig[]} An array of text.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getTexts = function() {return this._textArray;};
* Returns the text that corresponds to the id.
* @method getText
* @param {String} id The id.
* @return {ia.TextConfig} The text.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getText = function(id) {return this._textHash[id];};
* Returns the images.
* @method getImages
* @return {ia.ImageConfig[]} An array of images.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getImages = function() {return this._imageArray;};
* Returns the image that corresponds to the id.
* @method getImage
* @param {String} id The id.
* @return {ia.ImageConfig} The image.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getImage = function(id) {return this._imageHash[id];};
* Returns the palette.
* @method getMapPalette
* @return {ia.PaletteConfig} The palette object.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getMapPalette = function() {return this._palette;};
* The widgets properties, properties[propertyId] = property.
* @property properties
* @type Associative Array
* Returns the widgets properties.
* @method getProperties
* @return {Associative Array} properties[propertyId] = property.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getProperties = function() {return;};
* Gets the value for the property with the given id.
* @method getProperty
* @param {String} id The property id.
* @return {Number|String} The property value.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.getProperty = function(id)
var prop =[id];
if (prop) return prop.value;
else return undefined;
* Sets the value for the property with the given id.
* @method setProperty
* @param {String} id The property id.
* @param {Number|String} value The property value.
* @param {Boolean} castValue Indicates the value is a string and needs to be cast to the correct data type.
ia.ReportConfig.prototype.setProperty = function(id, value, castValue)
var prop =[id];
if (prop)
if (castValue) prop.value = prop.castValue(value);
else prop.value = value;