* Contains the configuration information for a table.
* @author J Clare
* @class ia.TableConfig
* @extends ia.ComponentConfig
* @constructor
* @param {XML} xml The XML data that describes the table.
ia.TableConfig = function(xml)
ia.TableConfig.baseConstructor.call(this, xml);
ia.extend(ia.WidgetConfig, ia.TableConfig);
* Parses in an XML object containing the configuration xml.
* @method parseXML
* @param {XML} xml The xml data.
ia.TableConfig.prototype.parseXML = function(xml)
* Protected method to be used by subclasses when parsing xml.
* @method _parseTableXML
* @param {XML} xml The xml data.
* @protected
ia.TableConfig.prototype._parseTableXML = function(xml)
var me = this;
var $xml = $j(xml);
me.customColumns = [];
// Columns.
me._columnArray = [];
me._columnHash = {}
var colWidthSum = 0
var $columns = $xml.find("Column");
$j.each($columns, function(i, xmlColumn)
var col = {};
var id = $j(xmlColumn).attr("name");
var fid = id;
if (fid !== "name") fid = fid +"_formatted";
col.id = $j(xmlColumn).attr("name");
col.formattedId = fid;
col.label = $j(xmlColumn).attr("alias");
col.width = parseFloat($j(xmlColumn).attr("width"));
me._columnArray[i] = col;
me._columnHash[col.id] = col;
colWidthSum += col.width;
// Compensate for user error when the column widths dont add up to 1.
var remainder = 1 - colWidthSum;
if (remainder !== 0)
var adjustmentValue = remainder / me._columnArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < me._columnArray.length; i++)
var colConfig = me._columnArray[i];
colConfig.width += adjustmentValue;
* Custom columns that can be used instead of those defined in the config.
* @property customColumns
* @type {object[]}} Array of columns.
* Returns the column that corresponds to the given id.
* <p>The column is an object with the following structure:</p>
* <p>{id:"name", formattedId:"name_formatted", label:"Features", type:"categoric" width:0.25}</p>
* @method getColumn
* @param {String} id The id.
* @return {Object} The column object.
ia.TableConfig.prototype.getColumn = function(name) {return this._columnHash[id];};
* Returns the table columns.
* <p>The array of columns has the following structure:</p>
* <p>[{id:"name", formattedId:"name_formatted", label:"Features", width:0.25},
* <br/>{id:"value", formattedId:"value_formatted", label:"Indicator", width:0.25},
* <br/>{id:"associate1", formattedId:"associate1_formatted", label:"Associate 1", width:0.25},
* <br/>{id:"associate2", formattedId:"associate2_formatted" label:"Associate 2", width:0.25}]</p>
* @method getColumns
* @return {Object[]} An array of column objects.
ia.TableConfig.prototype.getColumns = function() {return this._columnArray;};
* Returns the table columns for the given indicator.
* <p>The array of columns has the following structure:</p>
* <p>[{id:"name", formattedId:"name_formatted", label:"Features", width:0.25},
* <br/>{id:"value", formattedId:"value_formatted", label:"Indicator", width:0.25},
* <br/>{id:"associate1", formattedId:"associate1_formatted", label:"Associate 1", width:0.25},
* <br/>{id:"associate2", formattedId:"associate2_formatted" label:"Associate 2", width:0.25}]</p>
* @method getColumnsForIndicator
* @param {ia.Indicator} indicator The indicator.
* @param {ia.TextSubstitution} substitution The TextSubstitution object.
* @return {Object[]} The array of columns.
ia.TableConfig.prototype.getColumnsForIndicator = function(indicator, substitution)
// Check for custom columns.
var colDef = [];
if (this.customColumns.length > 0) colDef = this.customColumns.concat();
else colDef = this._columnArray.concat();
var colArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < colDef.length; i++)
var colConfig = colDef[i];
var col = {};
col.id = colConfig.id;
col.formattedId = colConfig.formattedId;
col.label = substitution.formatMessage(colConfig.label);
col.width = colConfig.width;
col.type = "categoric";
if (col.id === "name") col.type = "categoric";
else if (col.id === "value") col.type = indicator.type;
var a = indicator.getAssociate(col.id);
if (a != null) col.type = a.type;
return colArray;
* Returns the table columns for an array of indicators.
* <p>The array of columns has the following structure:</p>
* <p>[{id:"name", formattedId:"name_formatted", label:"Features", width:0.25},
* <br/>{id:"value", formattedId:"value_formatted", label:"Indicator", width:0.25},
* <br/>{id:"associate1", formattedId:"associate1_formatted", label:"Associate 1", width:0.25},
* <br/>{id:"associate2", formattedId:"associate2_formatted" label:"Associate 2", width:0.25}]</p>
* @method getColumnsForIndicators
* @param {ia.Indicator} indicators An optional array of extra indicators.
* @param {ia.TextSubstitution} substitution The TextSubstitution object.
* @return {Object[]} The array of columns.
ia.TableConfig.prototype.getColumnsForIndicators = function(indicators, substitution)
var indicator = indicators[0];
// Check for custom columns.
var colDef = [];
if (this.customColumns.length > 0) colDef = this.customColumns.concat();
else colDef = this._columnArray.concat();
var colArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < colDef.length; i++)
var colConfig = colDef[i];
var col = {};
col.id = colConfig.id;
col.formattedId = colConfig.formattedId;
col.label = substitution.formatMessage(colConfig.label);
col.width = colConfig.width;
col.type = "categoric";
if (col.id === "name") col.type = "categoric";
else if (col.id === "value") col.type = indicator.type;
else if (col.id.indexOf("~") !== -1) // Double table
var colId = col.id.split("~")[0];
var suffix = col.id.split("~")[1];
var ind = indicators[suffix-2];
if (ind !== undefined)
if (colId === "value") col.type = ind.type;
var a = ind.getAssociate(colId);
if (a != null) col.type = a.type;
var a = indicator.getAssociate(col.id);
if (a != null) col.type = a.type;
return colArray;