
File: ia\data\Indicator.js

 * Contains information about an indicator.
 * @author J Clare
 * @class ia.Indicator
 * @extends ia.BaseData
 * @constructor
 * @param {ia.Geography} geography The geography the indicator belongs to.
 * @param {ia.Theme} theme The theme the indicator belongs to.
 * @param {JSON} data The json data describing the object.
ia.Indicator = function(geography, theme, data)
{, data, theme);
	this.theme = theme;
	this.geography = geography;
ia.extend(ia.BaseData, ia.Indicator);

 * The indicator date.
 * @property date
 * @type String

 * The parent theme.
 * @property theme
 * @type ia.Theme

 * The minimum value.
 * @property minValue
 * @type Number

 * The maximum value.
 * @property maxValue
 * @type Number

 * Parses the JSON data.
 * @method parseData
 * @param {JSON} data The json data describing the object.
ia.Indicator.prototype.parseData = function(data) 
	// Parse the JSON data.
	// Parse the JSON data.
	if ( !== undefined) this.fileName = this.geography.reportData.path +;
	if ( !== undefined) =;

	// Values
	this._indexHash = {};
	this._valueArray =;
	this._fValueArray = [];
	if (this._valueArray)
		// Features
		var features = this.geography.getFeatures();
		var fLength = features.length;

		this.minValue = Infinity;
		this.maxValue = -Infinity;
		var v;
		var fv;
		var featureId;

		for (var i = 0; i < fLength; i++) 
			featureId = features[i].id;
			v = this._valueArray[i];
			fv = this.geography.reportData.formatter.format(v, this.precision);

			this._indexHash[featureId] = i;
			this.minValue = (v < this.minValue) ? v : this.minValue;
			this.maxValue = (v > this.maxValue) ? v : this.maxValue;  


	// Comparison Values
	this._comparisonIndexHash = {};
	this._comparisonArray =;
	this._fComparisonArray = [];
	if (this._comparisonArray)
		// Comparison Features
		var comparisonFeatures = this.geography.getComparisonFeatures();
		var cLength = comparisonFeatures.length;

		for (var i = 0; i < cLength; i++) 
			featureId = comparisonFeatures[i].id;
			v = this._comparisonArray[i];
			this._comparisonIndexHash[featureId] = i;

			fv = this.geography.reportData.formatter.format(v, this.precision);

	// Associates.
	this._associateArray = [];
	this._associateHash = {};
	var associates =;
	if (associates !== undefined) 
		var n = associates.length;
		for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) 
			var a  = new ia.Associate(this.geography, this, associates[i]);
			this._associateArray[i] = a;
			this._associateHash[] = a;

	// Limits.
	if ( !== undefined) 
		this._lowerLimits = new ia.Limits(this.geography, this,;
		this._upperLimits = new ia.Limits(this.geography, this,;

 * Returns the lower limits
 * @method getLowerLimits
 * @return {ia.Limits} A Limits object.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getLowerLimits = function() {return this._lowerLimits; };

 * Returns the upper limits
 * @method getUpperLimits
 * @return {ia.Limits} A Limits object.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getUpperLimits = function() {return this._upperLimits; };

 * Returns the value that corresponds to the feature id.
 * Will also return a comparison value.
 * @method getValue
 * @param {String} id The feature id.
 * @return {Number|String} The value for the given id.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getValue = function(id) 
	if (this._indexHash[id] !== undefined) return this._valueArray[this._indexHash[id]]
	else return this.getComparisonValue(id);

 * Returns the list of values.  
 * @method getValues
 * @return {Number|String[]} An array of values.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getValues = function() {return this._valueArray;};

 * Returns the formatted value that corresponds to the feature id.
 * Will also return a comparison value.
 * @method getFormattedValue
 * @param {String} id The feature id.
 * @return {String} The formatted value for the given id.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getFormattedValue = function(id) 
	if (this._indexHash[id] !== undefined) return this._fValueArray[this._indexHash[id]]
	else return this.getFormattedComparisonValue(id);

 * Returns the list of formatted values.  
 * @method getFormattedValues
 * @return {String[]} An array of formatted values.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getFormattedValues = function() {return this._fValueArray;};

 * Returns the comparison value that corresponds to the feature id.
 * @method getComparisonValue
 * @param {String} id The feature id.
 * @return {Number|String} The value for the given id.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getComparisonValue = function(id) 
	if (this._comparisonIndexHash[id] !== undefined)
		return this._comparisonArray[this._comparisonIndexHash[id]];
	return undefined;

 * Returns the list of comparison values.  
 * @method getComparisonValues
 * @return {Number|String[]} An array of values.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getComparisonValues = function() {return this._comparisonArray;};

 * Returns the formatted comparison value that corresponds to the feature id.
 * @method getFormattedComparisonValue
 * @param {String} id The feature id.
 * @return {String} The formatted value for the given id.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getFormattedComparisonValue = function(id) 
	if (this._comparisonIndexHash[id] !== undefined)
		return this._fComparisonArray[this._comparisonIndexHash[id]];
	return undefined;

 * Returns the list of formatted comparison values.  
 * @method getFormattedComparisonValues
 * @return {String[]} An array of formatted values.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getFormattedComparisonValues = function() {return this._fComparisonArray;};

 * Returns the associate that corresponds to the name.
 * @method getAssociate
 * @param {String} associateName The associate name.
 * @return {ia.Associate} An associate.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getAssociate = function(associateName) {return this._associateHash[associateName];};

 * Returns the associates contained in the indicator.  
 * @method getAssociates
 * @return {ia.Associate[]} An array of associates.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getAssociates = function() {return this._associateArray;};

 * Gets the data type for the passed data field.
 * @method getDataType
 * @param {String} dataField The data field as a String eg "value"; "associate1"; "name" etc.
 * @return {String} The data type or undefined.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getDataType = function(dataField)
	if (dataField === "value")
		return this.type;
	else if (this.getAssociate(dataField) !== undefined)
		return this.getAssociate(dataField).type
	else if (dataField === "name")
		return ia.Thematic.CATEGORIC;
	else return undefined;

 * Gets the data precision for the passed data field.
 * @method getDataPrecision
 * @param {String} dataField The data field as a String eg "value"; "associate1"; "name" etc.
 * @return {Number} The data precision or undefined.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getDataPrecision = function(dataField)
	if (dataField === "value")
		return this.precision;
	else if (this.getAssociate(dataField) !== undefined)
		return this.getAssociate(dataField).precision;
		return undefined;

 * Returns a hashtable of the indicator plus associate data.
 * <p>The returned data has the following structure:</p>
 * <p>["eh11"]{id:"eh11", name:"polwarth", value:2345, value_formatted:2345, associate1:25, associate1_formatted:25}
 * <br/>["eh12"]{id:"eh12", name:"morningside", value:4347, value_formatted:4347, associate1:45, associate1_formatted:45}
 * <br/>["eh13"]{id:"eh13", name:"merchiston", value:2496, value_formatted:2496, associate1:25, associate1_formatted:25}</p>
 * @method getData
 * @param {String[]} featureIds An optional list of feature ids to get data for.
 * @return {Associative Array} As described above.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getData = function(featureIds) 
	var dataHash = {};

	var fLength;
	var featureArray;
	if (featureIds != null)
		fLength = featureIds.length;
		featureArray = this.geography.getFeatures();
		fLength = featureArray.length;

	var associates = this.getAssociates();
	var aLength = associates.length;
	var lowerLimits = this.getLowerLimits();
	var upperLimits = this.getUpperLimits();

	// Each loop is a new row in the data.
	for (var i = 0; i < fLength; i++) 
		// Feature.
		var feature;
		if (featureIds != null)
			feature = this.geography.getFeature(featureIds[i]);
			feature = featureArray[i];

		// Indicator.
		var obj = {}; =; =;
		obj.value = this.getValue(;
		obj.value_formatted = this.getFormattedValue(;

		// Feature properties.
		var props = feature.getProperties();
		for (var propName in props) 
			obj[propName] = props[propName];
			obj[propName+"_formatted"] = props[propName];

		// Limits.
		if (lowerLimits) 
			obj.lowerLimit = lowerLimits.getValue(; 
			obj.lowerLimit_formatted = lowerLimits.getFormattedValue(; 
		if (upperLimits) 
			obj.upperLimit = upperLimits.getValue(; 
			obj.upperLimit_formatted = upperLimits.getFormattedValue(; 
		// Notes.
		if (feature.href)  obj.href = feature.href;

		// Associates
		for (var j = 0; j < aLength; j++) 
			obj[associates[j].name] = associates[j].getValue(;
			obj[associates[j].name+"_formatted"] = associates[j].getFormattedValue(;

		dataHash[] = obj;

	return dataHash;

 * Returns a hashtable of the indicator plus associate comparison data.
 * <p>The returned data has the following structure:</p>
 * <p>["eh11"]{id:"eh11", name:"polwarth", value:2345, value_formatted:2345, associate1:25, associate1_formatted:25}
 * <br/>["eh12"]{id:"eh12", name:"morningside", value:4347, value_formatted:4347, associate1:45, associate1_formatted:45}
 * <br/>["eh13"]{id:"eh13", name:"merchiston", value:2496, value_formatted:2496, associate1:25, associate1_formatted:25}</p>
 * @method getComparisonData
 * @return {Associative Array} As described above.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getComparisonData = function() 
	var dataHash = {};

	var featureArray = this.geography.getComparisonFeatures();
	var fLength = featureArray.length;

	var associates = this.getAssociates();
	var aLength = associates.length;

	for (var i = 0; i < fLength; i++) 
		var feature = featureArray[i];
		var obj = {}; =; =;
		obj.value = this.getComparisonValue(;
		obj.value_formatted = this.getFormattedComparisonValue(;

		// Notes.
		if (feature.href)  obj.href = feature.href;

		// Feature properties.
		var props = feature.getProperties();
		for (var propName in props) 
			obj[propName] = props[propName];
			obj[propName+"_formatted"] = props[propName];
		for (var j = 0; j < aLength; j++) 
			obj[associates[j].name] = associates[j].getComparisonValue(;
			obj[associates[j].name+"_formatted"] = associates[j].getFormattedComparisonValue(;

		dataHash[] = obj;
	return dataHash;

 * Gets the indicators associate data.
 * @method getData
 * @param {String} associateNames An optional list of associate ids.
 * @param {String[]} featureIds An optional list of feature ids to get data for.
 * @return {Object[]} An array of data objects.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getAssociateData = function(associateIds, featureIds) 
	// Hashtable to contain the data
	var dataHash = {};
	dataHash.dates = []

	var associates = this.getAssociates();
	var n = associates.length;
	for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) 
		var associate = associates[i];

		if (associateIds !== undefined)
			if (associateIds.indexOf( !== -1)
				dataHash.dates[dataHash.dates.length] =;
				dataHash[] = associate.getData(featureIds);
			dataHash.dates[dataHash.dates.length] =;
			dataHash[] = associate.getData(featureIds);

	return dataHash;

 * Gets the indicators associate comparison data.
 * @method getData
 * @param {String} associateNames An optional list of associate ids.
 * @param {String[]} featureIds An optional list of feature ids to get data for.
 * @return {Object[]} An array of data objects.
ia.Indicator.prototype.getAssociateComparisonData = function(associateIds, featureIds) 
	// Hashtable to contain the data
	var dataHash = {};
	dataHash.dates = []

	var associates = this.getAssociates();
	var n = associates.length;
	for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) 
		var associate = associates[i];

		if (associateIds !== undefined)
			if (associateIds.indexOf( !== -1)
				dataHash.dates[dataHash.dates.length] =;
				dataHash[] = associate.getComparisonData(featureIds);
			dataHash.dates[dataHash.dates.length] =;
			dataHash[] = associate.getComparisonData(featureIds);

	return dataHash;