
File: ia\data\ReportData.js

 * Contains information about a report.
 * @author J Clare
 * @class ia.ReportData
 * @extends ia.EventDispatcher
 * @constructor
ia.ReportData = function()
	this._propertyHash = {};

	this.url = "";
	this.path = "";
	this.formatter = new ia.Formatter();
ia.extend(ia.EventDispatcher, ia.ReportData);

 * The raw json data describing the object.
 * @property data
 * @type JSON

 * The url of the data source.
 * @property url
 * @type String
 * @default ""

 * The directory path to the data source.
 * @property path
 * @type String
 * @default ""
 * The formatter
 * @property getValue
 * @type ia.Formatter

 * The precision. Inherited from parent if undefined.
 * @property precision
 * @type Number
 * Returns the geographies contained in the data.  
 * @method getGeographies
 * @return {ia.Geography[]} An array of geographies.
ia.ReportData.prototype.getGeographies = function() {return this._geogArray;};

 * Get a value for a custom property.
 * @method getProperty
 * @param {String} propName The name of the property.
 * @return {Object} The value for that property, or null.
ia.ReportData.prototype.getProperty = function(propName) {return this._propertyHash[propName];};

 * Set a value for a custom property. Use this to set any default
 * properties to be inherited by all data types beneath.
 * @method setProperty
 * @param {String} propName The name of the property.
 * @param {Object} propValue The value of the property.
ia.ReportData.prototype.setProperty = function(propName, propValue) {this._propertyHash[propName] = propValue;};

 * Gets the properties.
 * @method getProperties
 * @return {Object[]} A hashtable of properties.
ia.ReportData.prototype.getProperties = function(propName) {return this._propertyHash;};

 * Returns the geography that corresponds to the geography id.
 * @method getGeography
 * @param {String} id The geography id.
 * @return {ia.Geography} The geography for the given id.
ia.ReportData.prototype.getGeography = function(id) {return this._geogHash[id];};

 * Loads and parses the source file then calls the given function.
 * @method loadSource
 * @param {String} url The url to the data. 
 * @param {Function} callbackFunction The call back function. 
ia.ReportData.prototype.loadSource = function(url, callbackFunction) 
	var me = this;
	this.url = url;
	this.path = ia.File.getFileDirectory(url);
		url: url,
		dataType: "json", 
			me.parseData(json, callbackFunction);

 * Parses the geography data.  
 * @method parseData
 * @param {JSON} data The json data describing the object.
 * @param {Function} callbackFunction The call back function. 
ia.ReportData.prototype.parseData = function(data, callbackFunction) 
{ = data;

	// Parse the JSON.
	// Geographies.
	this._geogArray = [];
	this._geogHash = new Object();
	var geographies = data.geographies;

	if (geographies !== undefined) 
		var n = geographies.length;
		for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) 
			var g = new ia.Geography(this, geographies[i]);
			g.index = i;
			this._geogArray[i] = g;
			this._geogHash[] = g;
	}, this);

 * Refreshes the data.
 * @method refresh
 * @param {Function} callbackFunction The call back function. 
ia.ReportData.prototype.refresh = function(callbackFunction) 
	var me = this;
	me.parseData(, function()
	{, me);

 * Returns an associative array of the form:
 * <p>["i1"]{id:"i1"; label:"Home"; type:"branch"; children:["i2"; "i3"; "i4"]}
 * <br/>["i2"]{id:"i2"; label:"ia.Indicator 1"; type:"branch"; parent:"i1"; children:["i5"; "i6"; "i7"]}
 * <br/>["i5"]{id:"i5~2004"; label:"2004"; type:"leaf"; parent:"i2"}</p>
 * <p>Used by data explorers. Dates are returned as part of the tree.</p>
 * @method getDataTree
 * @param {Boolean} showDates Should the dates be displayed.
 * @param {Boolean} reverseDates Should the dates be reversed.
 * @return {Associative Array} An associative array as described.
ia.ReportData.prototype.getDataTree = function(showDates, reverseDates) 
	var dHash = {};

	var o = {}; = "topLevel";
	o.label = "topLevel";
	o.type = "branch";
	dHash[] = o;
	var geogIds = [];
	for (var id in this._geogHash)
		this._geogHash[id].getDataTree(showDates, reverseDates, dHash,;
	o.children = geogIds;

	return dHash;

 * Returns an associative array of the form:
 * <p>["i1"]{id:"i1"; label:"Home"; type:"branch"; children:["i2"; "i3"; "i4"]}
 * <br/>["i2"]{id:"i2"; label:"ia.Indicator 1"; type:"branch"; parent:"i1"; children:["i5"; "i6"; "i7"]}
 * <br/>["i5"]{id:"i5~2004"; label:"2004"; type:"leaf"; parent:"i2"}</p>
 * <p>Used by data explorers. Dates are returned as part of the tree.</p>
 * @method getGeographyTree
 * @param {Associative Array} dataHash An associative array as described.
 * @param {String} parentId The parent id.
ia.ReportData.prototype.getGeographyTree = function() 
	var dHash  = {};

	var o = {}; = "topLevel";
	o.label = "topLevel";
	o.type = "branch";
	dHash[] = o;
	var geogIds = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < this._geogArray.length; i++) 
		var geog  = this._geogArray[i]
		var obj = {}; =;
		obj.label =;
		obj.type = "leaf";
		dHash[] = obj;
	o.children = geogIds;

	return dHash;