* Contains information about a ia.Theme.
* @author J Clare
* @class ia.Theme
* @extends ia.BaseData
* @constructor
* @param {ia.Geography} geography The geography the theme belongs to.
* @param {ia.Theme} theme The parent theme the theme belongs to or undefined if its a child of the geography.
* @param {JSON} data The json data describing the object.
ia.Theme = function(geography, theme, data)
var parent = theme || geography;
ia.Theme.baseConstructor.call(this, data, parent);
this.hasThemes = false;
this.geography = geography;
ia.extend(ia.BaseData, ia.Theme);
* Indicates if this theme contains nested themes.
* @property hasThemes
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* Parses the JSON data.
* @method parseData
* @param {JSON} data The json data describing the object.
ia.Theme.prototype.parseData = function(data)
// Parse the JSON data.
if (this.data.fileName !== undefined) this.fileName = this.geography.reportData.path + this.data.fileName;
// Themes.
this._themeArray = [];
var themes = this.data.themes;
if (themes !== undefined)
var n = themes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
this.hasThemes = true;
this._themeArray[i] = new ia.Theme(this.geography, this, themes[i]);
// Indicators.
this._indicatorArray = [];
this._indicatorHash = {};
this._indicatorDateHash = {};
var indicators = this.data.indicators;
if (indicators !== undefined)
var dateArray = [];
var prevId;
var n = indicators.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var ind = new ia.Indicator(this.geography, this, indicators[i]);
this._indicatorArray[i] = ind;
if (ind.date)
this._indicatorHash[ind.id+"_"+ind.date] = ind;
if (ind.id === prevId)
dateArray = [];
prevId = ind.id;
this._indicatorDateHash[ind.id] = dateArray;
else this._indicatorHash[ind.id] = ind;
* Returns the themes contained in the ia.Theme.
* @method getThemes
* @return {ia.Theme[]} An array of themes.
ia.Theme.prototype.getThemes = function() {return this._themeArray;};
* Returns a list of the parent theme names including this one.
* @method getParentThemes
* @return {ia.Theme[]} An array of parent theme names.
ia.Theme.prototype.getParentThemes = function()
var hasThemes;
var themeArray = [this.name];
var thm = this.parent;
while (thm.hasThemes === true)
thm = thm.parent;
return themeArray.reverse();
* Returns an array of data objects that are children of this object.
* @method getChildren
* @return {Object[]} An array of data objects.
ia.Theme.prototype.getChildren = function()
if (this.hasThemes)
var childArray = this._indicatorArray.concat(this._themeArray)
return childArray;
else return this._indicatorArray;
* Gets the themes indicator data.
* @method getData
* @param {String} indicatorId An optional indicator id.
* @param {String[]} featureIds An optional list of feature ids to get data for.
* @return {Object[]} An array of data objects.
ia.Theme.prototype.getData = function(indicatorId, featureIds)
// Hashtable to contain the data
var dataHash = {};
dataHash.dates = []
// Get the indicators with the given id.
var indList;
if (indicatorId) indList = this.getIndicators(indicatorId);
else indList = this.getIndicators();
var n = indList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var ind = indList[i];
if (ind.date !== undefined)
dataHash.dates[dataHash.dates.length] = ind.date;
dataHash[ind.date] = ind.getData(featureIds);
dataHash.dates[dataHash.dates.length] = ind.name;
dataHash[ind.name] = ind.getData(featureIds);
return dataHash;
* Gets the themes indicator data with the given date.
* @method getDataForDate
* @param {String} date The date.
* @param {String[]} featureIds An optional list of feature ids to get data for.
* @return {Object[]} An array of data objects.
ia.Theme.prototype.getDataForDate = function(date, featureIds)
// Hashtable to contain the data
var dataHash = {};
dataHash.dates = [];
// Get the indicators.
var indList = this.getIndicators();
var n = indList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var ind = indList[i];
if (ind.date === date)
dataHash.dates[dataHash.dates.length] = ind.name;
dataHash[ind.name] = ind.getData(featureIds);
return dataHash;
* Gets the themes indicator comparison data.
* @method getComparisonData
* @param {String} indicatorId The indicator id.
* @return {Object[]} An array of data objects.
ia.Theme.prototype.getComparisonData = function(indicatorId)
// Hashtable to contain the data
var dataHash = {};
dataHash.dates = []
// Get the indicators with the given id.
var indList = this.getIndicators(indicatorId);
var n = indList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var ind = indList[i];
if (ind.date !== undefined)
dataHash.dates[i] = ind.date;
dataHash[ind.date] = ind.getComparisonData();
return dataHash;
* Gets the themes indicators with the given date.
* @method getComparisonDataForDate
* @param {String} date The date.
* @return {Object[]} An array of data objects.
ia.Theme.prototype.getComparisonDataForDate = function(date)
// Hashtable to contain the data
var dataHash = {};
dataHash.dates = [];
// Get the indicators.
var indList = this.getIndicators();
var n = indList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var ind = indList[i];
if (ind.date === date)
dataHash.dates[dataHash.dates.length] = ind.name;
dataHash[ind.name] = ind.getComparisonData();
return dataHash;
* Returns the indicators contained in the theme
* or with the given id if that is supplied.
* @method getIndicators
* @param {String} indicatorId An optional indicator id.
* @return {ia.Indicator[]} An array of indicators.
ia.Theme.prototype.getIndicators = function(indicatorId)
if (indicatorId === null) return this._indicatorArray;
var dates = this.getIndicatorDates(indicatorId);
var indArray = [];
if (dates !== undefined)
var n = dates.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
indArray.push(this.getIndicator(indicatorId, dates[i]));
return indArray;
* Returns the indicators with the given date.
* Will include the latest date of an indicator if the specified date is unavailable.
* @method getIndicators
* @param {String} date The date.
* @return {ia.Indicator[]} An array of indicators.
ia.Theme.prototype.getIndicatorsWithDate = function(date)
var indicatorIds = this.getIndicatorIds();
var indicators = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < indicatorIds.length; i++)
var id = indicatorIds[i];
indicators[indicators.length] = this.getIndicator(id, date);
return indicators;
* Returns the first indicator - this can be within a nested ia.Theme.
* Where dates are used the first indicator is the one with the most recent date
* @method getFirstIndicator
* @param {Boolean} reverseDates Should the dates be reversed.
* @return {ia.Indicator} The indicator.
ia.Theme.prototype.getFirstIndicator = function(reverseDates)
if (reverseDates === undefined) reverseDates = true;
if (this._indicatorArray.length > 0)
var ind = this._indicatorArray[0];
var indicatorList = this.getIndicators(ind.id);
if (reverseDates) return indicatorList[indicatorList.length-1];
else return indicatorList[0];
else if (this.hasThemes) // Nested themes.
var n = this._themeArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var thm = this._themeArray[i];
return thm.getFirstIndicator(reverseDates);
* Returns the indicator that corresponds to the id and date provided.
* Will include the latest date of an indicator if the specified date is unavailable.
* @method getIndicator
* @param {String} id The indicator id.
* @param {String} date An optional date.
* @return {ia.Indicator} The indicator.
* @param {Boolean} reverseDates Should the dates be reversed.
ia.Theme.prototype.getIndicator = function(id, date, reverseDates)
if (reverseDates === undefined) reverseDates = true;
if (date !== undefined && date !== "" && this._indicatorHash[id+"_"+date] !== undefined)
return this._indicatorHash[id+"_"+date];
else if (this._indicatorHash[id] !== undefined)
return this._indicatorHash[id];
else // Try getting latest date for indicator
var dates = this.getIndicatorDates(id);
if (dates)
if (reverseDates) return this._indicatorHash[id+"_"+dates[dates.length-1]];
else return this._indicatorHash[id+"_"+dates[0]];
* Includes indicators in nested themes.
* @method getNestedIndicator
* @param {String} id The indicator id.
* @param {String} date An optional date.
* @return {ia.Indicator} The indicator.
* @param {Boolean} reverseDates Should the dates be reversed.
ia.Theme.prototype.getNestedIndicator = function(id, date, reverseDates)
var ind = this.getIndicator(id, date, reverseDates);
if (ind !== undefined) return ind;
if (this.hasThemes) // Nested themes.
var n = this._themeArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var thm = this._themeArray[i];
ind = thm.getNestedIndicator(id, date, reverseDates);
if (ind !== undefined) return ind;
* Returns a list of dates for the indicator that matches
* the id provided.
* @method getIndicatorDates
* @param {String} indicatorId The indicator id.
* @return {String[]} A list of dates.
ia.Theme.prototype.getIndicatorDates = function(indicatorId)
return this._indicatorDateHash[indicatorId];
* Returns a list of indicator ids contained in the theme.
* @method getIndicatorIds
* @return {String[]} A list of indicator ids.
ia.Theme.prototype.getIndicatorIds = function()
var n = this._indicatorArray.length;
var indicatorIds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var ind = this._indicatorArray[i];
if (indicatorIds.indexOf(ind.id) === -1)
return indicatorIds;
* Returns a list of indicator names contained in the theme.
* @method getIndicatorNames
* @return {String[]} A list of indicator names.
ia.Theme.prototype.getIndicatorNames = function()
var n = this._indicatorArray.length;
var indicatorNames = [];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var ind = this._indicatorArray[i];
if (indicatorNames.indexOf(ind.name) === -1)
return indicatorNames;
* Loads all data in the theme.
* @method loadData
* @param {Function} callbackFnc The callbackFnc gets called with the loaded object as the parameter.
ia.Theme.prototype.loadData = function(callbackFnc)
var me = this;
// Load the theme if there isnt any data yet.
if (me.hasData === false)
url: me.fileName,
dataType: "json",
me.data = json;
me.hasData = true;
if (this.hasThemes) // Load any nested themes.
var thmCount = 0;
function onThemeReady()
if (thmCount === me._themeArray.length) callbackFnc.call(null, me); // Return after all nested themes have loaded.
// Load next theme.
var thm = me._themeArray[thmCount];
// Load first theme.
if (this._themeArray.length > 0)
var thm = this._themeArray[0];
else callbackFnc.call(null, me); // Return after theme data has loaded.
else callbackFnc.call(null, me); // Return because theme already has data.
* Loads the indicator that corresponds to the id and date provided.
* The indicator can be in a nested ia.Theme.
* Returns the indicator via the supplied callback function.
* @method loadIndicator
* @param {String} id The indicator id.
* @param {String} date An optional date.
* @param {Function} callbackFnc The callbackFnc gets called with the loaded object as the parameter.
ia.Theme.prototype.loadIndicator = function(id, date, callbackFnc)
var me = this;
var ind = me.getIndicator(id, date);
if (ind !== undefined)
// Check if the theme has been loaded.
if (me.hasData === false)
// Load the theme if there isnt any data yet.
// Have to get indicator again because it will have
// had the data added to it.
var ind = me.getIndicator(id, date)
callbackFnc.call(null, ind);
else callbackFnc.call(null, ind); // Indicator is already loaded so just return.
* A hashtable of the indicators/associates for a feature - used for profiles.
* <p>The returned data has the following structure:</p>
* <p>["t0"]{id:"t0", name:"theme0", type:"parent"}
* <br/>["i0"]{id:"i0", name:"indicator0", value:2345, value_formatted:2345, associate1:25, associate1_formatted:25, type:"leaf"}
* <br/>["i1"]{id:"i1", name:"indicator1", value:4347, value_formatted:4347, associate1:45, associate1_formatted:45, type:"leaf"}
* <br/>["i2"]{id:"i2", name:"indicator1", value:2496, value_formatted:2496, associate1:25, associate1_formatted:25, type:"leaf"}</p>
* @method getProfileData
* @param {String[]} featureIds A list of feature ids to get data for.
* @param {Object[]} themeArray The array to add the theme objects to.
* @param {String} date An optional date.
* @param {Boolean} useLatestDate Use the latest date if the specified date is unavailable?
ia.Theme.prototype.getProfileData = function(featureIds, themeArray, date, useLatestDate)
// Theme.
var thmObj = {};
thmObj.id = this.id;
thmObj.name = this.name;
thmObj.indicators = [];
themeArray[themeArray.length] = thmObj;
if (this.hasThemes) // Nested themes.
var n = this._themeArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var thm = this._themeArray[i];
thm.getProfileData(featureIds, themeArray, date, useLatestDate);
// Indicators.
var indList;
if (useLatestDate && date !== undefined) // Selected date.
indList = this.getIndicatorsWithDate(date);
else if (useLatestDate && date === undefined) // Most recent date.
var date = this.getFirstIndicator(true).date;
indList = this.getIndicatorsWithDate(date);
else // All dates.
indList = this.getIndicators();
var iLength = indList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < iLength; i++)
var ind = indList[i];
var indObj = {};
indObj.id = ind.id;
indObj.name = ind.name;
indObj.date = ind.date;
indObj.type = ind.type;
indObj.href = ind.href;
indObj.features = [];
thmObj.indicators[thmObj.indicators.length] = indObj;
// Features.
var fLength = featureIds.length;
for (var j = 0; j < fLength; j++)
// Feature.
var feature = this.geography.getFeature(featureIds[j]);
var feaObj = {};
feaObj.id = feature.id;
feaObj.name = feature.name;
feaObj.value = ind.getValue(feature.id);
feaObj.value_formatted = ind.getFormattedValue(feature.id);
// Associates
var associates = ind.getAssociates();
var aLength = associates.length;
for (var k = 0; k < aLength; k++)
var associate = associates[k];
feaObj[associate.name] = associate.getValue(feature.id);
feaObj[associate.name+"_formatted"] = associate.getFormattedValue(feature.id);
feaObj[associate.name+"_type"] = associate.type;
// Properties
var props = ind.getProperties();
for (var propName in props)
feaObj[propName] = props[propName];
feaObj[propName+"_formatted"] = props[propName];
feaObj[propName+"_type"] = ia.Thematic.CATEGORIC;
indObj.features[indObj.features.length] = feaObj;
* A hashtable of the indicators/associates for a feature - used by feature card.
* @method getFeatureData
* @param {Object} feature A feature object.
* @param {String} date An optional date.
* @return {JSON} As described above.
ia.Theme.prototype.getFeatureData = function(feature, date)
// Theme.
var thmObj = {};
thmObj.id = this.id;
thmObj.name = this.name;
thmObj.href = this.href;
thmObj.precision = this.precision;
thmObj.themes = [];
thmObj.indicators = [];
if (this.hasThemes) // Nested themes.
var n = this._themeArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var thm = this._themeArray[i];
if (thm.hasData)
var nestedThmObj = thm.getFeatureData(feature, date);
thmObj.themes[thmObj.themes.length] = nestedThmObj;
// Indicators.
var indList = this.getIndicators();
var iLength = indList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < iLength; i++)
var ind = indList[i];
if (date === undefined || date === ind.date)
var indObj = {};
indObj.id = ind.id;
indObj.name = ind.name;
indObj.date = ind.date;
indObj.type = ind.type;
indObj.href = ind.href;
indObj.precision = ind.precision;
indObj.value = ind.getValue(feature.id);
indObj.formattedValue = ind.getFormattedValue(feature.id);
indObj.associates = [];
indObj.properties = [];
// Associates
var associates = ind.getAssociates();
var aLength = associates.length;
for (var k = 0; k < aLength; k++)
var associate = associates[k];
var assObj = {};
assObj.name = associate.name;
assObj.type = associate.type;
assObj.precision = associate.precision;
assObj.value = associate.getValue(feature.id);
assObj.formattedValue = associate.getFormattedValue(feature.id);
indObj.associates[indObj.associates.length] = assObj;
// Limits
var lowerLimits = ind.getLowerLimits();
if (lowerLimits)
var lmtObj = {};
lmtObj.value = lowerLimits.getValue(feature.id);
lmtObj.precision = lowerLimits.precision;
lmtObj.formattedValue = lowerLimits.getFormattedValue(feature.id);
indObj.lowerLimit = lmtObj;
var upperLimits = ind.getUpperLimits();
if (upperLimits)
var lmtObj = {};
lmtObj.value = upperLimits.getValue(feature.id);
lmtObj.precision = upperLimits.precision;
lmtObj.formattedValue = upperLimits.getFormattedValue(feature.id);
indObj.upperLimit = lmtObj;
// Properties
var props = ind.getProperties();
for (var propName in props)
var propObj = {};
propObj.name = propName;
propObj.value = props[propName];
indObj.properties[indObj.properties.length] = propObj;
thmObj.indicators[thmObj.indicators.length] = indObj;
return thmObj;
* A hashtable of the indicators/associates for a list of features - used by feature card.
* @param {string[]} featureIds A list of feature ids to get data for.
* @param {string} date An optional date.
* @return {JSON} As described above.
ia.Theme.prototype.getIndicatorData = function(featureIds, date)
// Theme.
var thmObj = {};
thmObj.id = this.id;
thmObj.name = this.name;
thmObj.href = this.href;
thmObj.precision = this.precision;
thmObj.themes = [];
thmObj.indicators = [];
if (this.hasThemes) // Nested themes.
var n = this._themeArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var thm = this._themeArray[i];
if (thm.hasData)
var nestedThmObj = thm.getIndicatorData(feature, date);
thmObj.themes[thmObj.themes.length] = nestedThmObj;
// Indicators.
var indList = this.getIndicators();
var iLength = indList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < iLength; i++)
var ind = indList[i];
if (date === undefined || date === ind.date)
var indObj = {};
indObj.id = ind.id;
indObj.name = ind.name;
indObj.date = ind.date;
indObj.type = ind.type;
indObj.href = ind.href;
indObj.precision = ind.precision;
// Indicator Properties.
indObj.properties = [];
var props = ind.getProperties();
for (var propName in props)
var propObj = {};
propObj.name = propName;
propObj.value = props[propName];
indObj.properties[indObj.properties.length] = propObj;
// Features.
indObj.features = [];
var fLength = featureIds.length;
for (var j = 0; j < fLength; j++)
// Feature.
var feature = this.geography.getFeature(featureIds[j]);
var featObj = {};
featObj.id = feature.id;
featObj.name = feature.name;
featObj.href = feature.href;
featObj.value = ind.getValue(feature.id);
featObj.formattedValue = ind.getFormattedValue(feature.id);
featObj.associates = [];
featObj.properties = [];
// Feature Properties
var props = feature.getProperties();
for (var propName in props)
var propObj = {};
propObj.name = propName;
propObj.value = props[propName];
featObj.properties[featObj.properties.length] = propObj;
// Associates
var associates = ind.getAssociates();
var aLength = associates.length;
for (var k = 0; k < aLength; k++)
var associate = associates[k];
var assObj = {};
assObj.name = associate.name;
assObj.type = associate.type;
assObj.precision = associate.precision;
assObj.value = associate.getValue(feature.id);
assObj.formattedValue = associate.getFormattedValue(feature.id);
featObj.associates[featObj.associates.length] = assObj;
// Limits
var lowerLimits = ind.getLowerLimits();
if (lowerLimits)
var lmtObj = {};
lmtObj.value = lowerLimits.getValue(feature.id);
lmtObj.precision = lowerLimits.precision;
lmtObj.formattedValue = lowerLimits.getFormattedValue(feature.id);
featObj.lowerLimit = lmtObj;
var upperLimits = ind.getUpperLimits();
if (upperLimits)
var lmtObj = {};
lmtObj.value = upperLimits.getValue(feature.id);
lmtObj.precision = upperLimits.precision;
lmtObj.formattedValue = upperLimits.getFormattedValue(feature.id);
featObj.upperLimit = lmtObj;
indObj.features[indObj.features.length] = featObj;
thmObj.indicators[thmObj.indicators.length] = indObj;
return thmObj;