* A Factory objects for building components.
* @author J Clare
* @class ia.ComponentFactory
* @constructor
* @param {ia.Config} config The config.
* @param {ia.Report} report The report.
* @param {ia.DataGroup[]} dataGroups A list of associated datagroups.
* @param {ia.InteractionGroup} interactionGroup The associated interaction group.
* @param {ia.InteractionGroup} comparisonInteractionGroup The associated comparison interaction group.
ia.ComponentFactory = function(config, report, componentGroups)
this._config = config;
this._report = report;
this._componentGroups = componentGroups;
this._dataGroups = [];
this._factories = {};
// Build the interaction groups.
for (var i = 0; i < this._componentGroups.length; i++)
var g = componentGroups[i];
this.buildInteractionGroups(report, g.dataGroup, g.interactionGroup, g.comparisonInteractionGroup);
this._dataGroups[i] = g.dataGroup;
* Updates the component.
* @method update
* @param {String} id The id of the component.
* @param {Function} callbackFunction Called on completion of function, with the component id as the parameter.
ia.ComponentFactory.prototype.update = function(id, onComponentReady)
var factory = this._factories[id];
if (factory !== undefined )
onComponentReady.call(null, id); // Return.
else onComponentReady.call(null, id); // Return.
* Renders the component.
* @method render
* @param {String} id The id of the component.
* @param {Function} callbackFunction Called on completion of function, with the component id as the parameter.
ia.ComponentFactory.prototype.render = function(id, onComponentReady)
var factory = this._factories[id];
if (factory !== undefined )
onComponentReady.call(null, id); // Return.
else onComponentReady.call(null, id); // Return.
* Builds the component.
* @method build
* @param {String} id The id of the component.
* @param {Function} callbackFunction Called on completion of function, with the component id as the parameter.
ia.ComponentFactory.prototype.build = function(id, onComponentReady)
var me = this;
var component = this._config.getComponent(id);
if (component)
var suffix = this._getSuffix(id);
var type = this._getType(id);
// Get the correct component group.
var index = suffix - 1;
if (suffix === '') index = 0;
var componentGroup = this._componentGroups[index];
if (componentGroup !== undefined)
var factory;
// Components that require single data group.
if (type === "legend") factory = new ia.LegendFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "featureLegend") factory = new ia.FeatureLegendFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "areaBreakdownBarChart") factory = new ia.AreaBreakdownBarChartFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "areaBreakdownLineChart") factory = new ia.AreaBreakdownLineChartFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "areaBreakdownPieChart") factory = new ia.AreaBreakdownPieChartFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "areaBreakdownPieLegend") factory = new ia.AreaBreakdownPieLegendFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "barChart") factory = new ia.BarChartFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "boxAndWhisker") factory = new ia.BoxAndWhiskerFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "timeSeries") factory = new ia.TimeSeriesFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "discreteTimeSeries") factory = new ia.DiscreteTimeSeriesFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "stackedTimeSeries") factory = new ia.StackedTimeSeriesFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "pyramidChart") factory = new ia.PyramidChartFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "timeControl") factory = new ia.TimeControlFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "featureCard") factory = new ia.FeatureCardFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "metadata") factory = new ia.MetadataFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "textbox") factory = new ia.TextBoxFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "statsbox") factory = new ia.StatsBoxFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "advancedPieChart") factory = new ia.AdvancedPieChartFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "pieChart") factory = new ia.PieChartFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "dataExplorer") factory = new ia.DataExplorerFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "geogExplorer") factory = new ia.GeogExplorerFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "filterExplorer") factory = new ia.FilterExplorerFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "menuBar") factory = new ia.MenuBarFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "spineChart") factory = new ia.AreaProfileFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
else if (type === "map") factory = new ia.MapFactory(component, this._report, componentGroup);
// Components that require multiple data groups.
else if (type === "scatterPlot") factory = new ia.ScatterPlotFactory(component, this._report, this._dataGroups, componentGroup.interactionGroup, componentGroup.comparisonInteractionGroup);
else if (type === "table")
if (this._config.template === ia.DOUBLE_GEOG_REPORT
|| this._config.template === ia.DOUBLE_BASELAYER_REPORT)
var dGroup = this._dataGroups[index];
factory = new ia.DataTableFactory(component, this._report, [dGroup], componentGroup.interactionGroup, componentGroup.comparisonInteractionGroup);
else factory = new ia.DataTableFactory(component, this._report, this._dataGroups, componentGroup.interactionGroup, componentGroup.comparisonInteractionGroup);
else if (type === "comparisonTable")
if (this._config.template === ia.DOUBLE_GEOG_REPORT
|| this._config.template === ia.DOUBLE_BASELAYER_REPORT)
var dGroup = this._dataGroups[index];
factory = new ia.ComparisonTableFactory(component, this._report, [dGroup], componentGroup.interactionGroup, componentGroup.comparisonInteractionGroup);
else factory = new ia.ComparisonTableFactory(component, this._report, this._dataGroups, componentGroup.interactionGroup, componentGroup.comparisonInteractionGroup);
else onComponentReady.call(null, id); // Return.
if (factory !== undefined )
this._factories[component.id] = factory; // Add to factories hashtable.
if (type === "map" && (this._config.template === ia.DOUBLE_BASELAYER_REPORT // Special case for double base layer templates.
|| this._config.template === ia.DOUBLE_BASELAYER_REPORT_NEW))
factory2 = new ia.MapFactory(undefined, me._report, me._componentGroups[1]); // Add second layer.
onComponentReady.call(null, id); // Return.
onComponentReady.call(null, id); // Return.
else onComponentReady.call(null, id); // Return.
else onComponentReady.call(null, id); // Return.
* Builds a all components in the config.
* @method buildComponent
* @param {Function} onComponentsReady Gets called when the build is complete.
ia.ComponentFactory.prototype.buildComponents = function(onComponentsReady)
var me = this;
var components = me._config.getComponents();
var noComponents = components.length;
var index = 0;
// Could be dodgy using a loop here, but its faster and each component
// doesnt rely on the other being complete so probably ok.
function onComponentReady(componentId)
if (index === noComponents) onComponentsReady.call(null); // Return
for (var i = 0; i < noComponents; i++)
me.build(components[i].id, onComponentReady)
/* This is slightly slower but potentially more robust.
function onComponentReady(componentId)
if (index === noComponents) onComponentsReady.call(null); // Return
else me.buildComponent(components[index].id, onComponentReady); // Build next component.
me.buildComponent(components[0].id, onComponentReady); // Build first component.
* Extracts the suffix from the component id.
* @method _getSuffix
* @param {String} id The id of the component.
* @return {String} The suffix.
* @private
ia.ComponentFactory.prototype._getSuffix = function(id)
// Extract the suffix from the id.
var suffix = id.slice(-1);
if (!ia.isNumber(suffix)) suffix = "";
// An underscore represents an extra version of a component eg 'barChart_2' or 'barChart2_2'.
// The first number represents the data group the component is associated with.
// The second number is simply to make the id unique.
// This has been added so we can eventually add in multiple versions of components.
if (id.indexOf("_") !== -1)
suffix = id.slice(-3).charAt(0);
if (!ia.isNumber(suffix)) suffix = "";
return suffix;
* Extracts the type from the component id.
* @method _getType
* @param {String} id The id of the component.
* @return {String} The type.
* @private
ia.ComponentFactory.prototype._getType = function(id)
var type = id;
// Extract the suffix from the id.
var suffix = id.slice(-1);
if (ia.isNumber(suffix)) type = type.substring(0,type.length-1);
// An underscore represents an extra version of a component eg 'barChart_2' or 'barChart2_2'.
// The first number represents the data group the component is associated with.
// The second number is simply to make the id unique.
// This has been added so we can eventually add in multiple versions of components.
if (id.indexOf("_") !== -1)
type = id;
suffix = id.slice(-3).charAt(0);
if (ia.isNumber(suffix)) type = type.substring(0,type.length-3);
else type = type.substring(0,type.length-2)
return type;