* The base class for feature layers (points, lines and polys).
* @author J Clare
* @class ia.FeatureLayer
* @extends ia.ItemLayer
* @constructor
* @param {String} inSource The spatial source.
ia.FeatureLayer = function(inSource)
this.dataLabel = "";
this.minLabelExtent = -Infinity;
this.maxLabelExtent = Infinity;
this.symbolSize = 15;
this.iconPath = "";
this.eval = true;
this.uid = "";
this.symbol = ia.Shape.CIRCLE;
this.selectionOpacity = 0.3;
this.highlightOpacity = 0.3;
if (inSource != null) this.source = inSource;
ia.extend(ia.ItemLayer, ia.FeatureLayer);
* The layer data label.
* @property dataLabel
* @type String
* @default ""
* The minimum display extent for labels.
* @property url
* @type Number
* @default Infinity
* The maximum display extent for labels.
* @property maxLabelExtent
* @type Number
* @default Infinity
* The symbol size.
* @property symbolSize
* @type Number
* @default 15
* The icon iconPath.
* @property url
* @type String
* @default ""
* The loaded icon derived from iconPath.
* @property icon
* @type Image
* Check if its eval data.
* @property eval
* @type Boolean
* @default true
* Unique id.
* @property uid
* @type String
* @default ""
* The spatial data source for the layer.
* @property source
* @type String
* The geometry for the layer.
* @property geometry
* @type String
* The symbol used for point data.
* @property symbol
* @type String
* @default ia.Shape.CIRCLE
* The selection opacity.
* @property selectionOpacity
* @type Number
* @default 0.3
* The highlight opacity.
* @property highlightOpacity
* @type Number
* @default 0.3
* Loads the source data.
* @method loadSource
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype.loadSource = function()
var me = this;
url: me.source,
dataType: "json",
me.isLoaded = true;
var e = new ia.Event(ia.Event.LAYER_READY, me);
* Parses the data after its completed loading.
* @method parseData
* @param {JSON} data The raw data.
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype.parseData = function(data)
// This is all written for optimization - touch at your peril.
this.items = {};
this.itemArray = [];
if (data.e !== undefined) this.eval = false;
if (data.uid !== undefined) this.uid = data.uid;
// This is the bBox that is used to adjust the layer coords and not the true bBox of the layer.
var bb = data.boundingBox.split(" ");
var bBox = new ia.BoundingBox(parseFloat(bb[0]),parseFloat(bb[1]),parseFloat(bb[2]),parseFloat(bb[3]));
var bx = bBox.getXMin();
var by = bBox.getYMin();
var bw = bBox.getWidth();
var bh = bBox.getHeight();
// Used to transform coordinates.
var pixelWidth = parseFloat(data.pixelWidth);
var pixelHeight = parseFloat(data.pixelHeight);
var layerMinX = Infinity, layerMinY = Infinity, layerMaxX = -Infinity, layerMaxY = -Infinity;
// JSON changes.
// id > d
// name > n
// coords > p
// Iterate through map features.
var fLength = data.features.length;
for (var i = 0; i < fLength; i++)
var feature = data.features[i];
var item = {};
item.state = ia.ItemLayer.UNSELECTED;
item.layer = this;
item.id = feature.d;
item.name = feature.n;
item.parent = this;
item.symbolSize = this.symbolSize;
if (this.geometry === "line") item.symbolSize = this.style.lineWidth;
if (this.geometry === "polygon" || this.geometry === "line")
var minX = Infinity, minY = Infinity, maxX = -Infinity, maxY = -Infinity;
// Iterate through all polygons in this feature.
var pLength = feature.p.length;
var shapes = new Array();
for (var j = 0; j < pLength; j++)
var coords = feature.p[j];
var cLength = coords.length - 1;
var shape = new Array();
var cx = 0;
var cy = 0;
// Iterate through all points in this polygon.
for (var k = 0; k < cLength; k+=2)
var p = new Object()
cx = cx + coords[k];
cy = cy + coords[k+1];
p.x = bx + ((cx / pixelWidth) * bw);
p.y = by + ((cy / pixelHeight) * bh);
// Calculation to find bBox of item.
minX = (p.x < minX) ? p.x : minX;
minY = (p.y < minY) ? p.y : minY;
maxX = (p.x > maxX) ? p.x : maxX;
maxY = (p.y > maxY) ? p.y : maxY;
item.shapes = shapes;
// Convert each point back to real coords.
var p = new Object();
p.x = bx + ((feature.p[0] / pixelWidth) * bw);
p.y = by + ((feature.p[1] / pixelHeight) * bh);
// Calculation to find bBox of item.
minX = p.x;
minY = p.y;
maxX = p.x;
maxY = p.y;
item.shapes = [p];
// Set the calculated item bBox.
item.bBox = new ia.BoundingBox(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
item.size = Math.max(item.bBox.getWidth(), item.bBox.getHeight());
this.items[item.id] = item;
// Calculation to find bBox of layer.
layerMinX = (minX < layerMinX) ? minX : layerMinX;
layerMinY = (minY < layerMinY) ? minY : layerMinY;
layerMaxX = (maxX > layerMaxX) ? maxX : layerMaxX;
layerMaxY = (maxY > layerMaxY) ? maxY : layerMaxY;
// Set the real layer bBox.
this.bBox = new ia.BoundingBox(layerMinX, layerMinY, layerMaxX, layerMaxY);
// Check if layer uses an icon.
if (this.iconPath !== "")
this.icon = new Image();
this.icon.onload = function() {};
this.icon.src = this.iconPath;
* Renders the layer. Keep this simple so that it can be overridden but
* we can still use the draw method defined below.
* @method render
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype.render = function()
if (this.map && this.getVisible() && this.isLoaded)
* Draws the layer.
* @method draw
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype.draw = function()
// Dont bother drawing if the bBox isnt set or the layer isnt visible.
if (this.map && this.getVisible() && this.isLoaded)
// Reset the context styles in case the layer styles has changed.
for (var p in this.style)
this.context[p] = this.style[p];
if (this.interactive)
this.selectionContext[p] = this.style[p];
this.highlightContext[p] = this.style[p];
if (this.interactive)
this.selectionContext.strokeStyle = this.selectionColor;
this.selectionContext.fillStyle = ia.Color.toRGBA(this.selectionColor, this.selectionOpacity);
this.selectionContext.lineWidth = Math.max(2, parseFloat(this.style.lineWidth) + 1.5);
this.highlightContext.strokeStyle = ia.Color.toRGBA(this.highlightColor, 0.8);
this.highlightContext.fillStyle = ia.Color.toRGBA(this.highlightColor, this.highlightOpacity);
this.highlightContext.lineWidth = Math.max(2, parseFloat(this.style.lineWidth) + 1.5);
// Get the data.
var data = this.getData()
// Dont bother drawing if its outside the map bBox.
var mapBBox = this.map.getBBox();
if (this.bBox.intersects(mapBBox))
// Check display extent for labelling.
var withinExtents = false;
var minExtent = Math.min(mapBBox.getWidth(), mapBBox.getHeight());
var maxExtent = Math.max(mapBBox.getWidth(), mapBBox.getHeight());
if ((minExtent >= this.minLabelExtent) && (maxExtent <= this.maxLabelExtent)) withinExtents = true;
var n = this.itemArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var item = this.itemArray[i];
// Update data if needed.
if (this.dataChanged)
var dataItem = data[item.id];
if (dataItem)
item.name = dataItem.name;
item.disabled = false;
var alpha = ia.Color.a(this.style.fillStyle);
if (dataItem.color) item.color = ia.Color.toRGBA(dataItem.color, alpha);
item.symbolSize = dataItem.symbolSize;
item.disabled = true;
item.color = this.style.fillStyle;
item.symbolSize = 0;
if (this.geometry !== "point")
if (item.bBox && item.bBox.intersects(mapBBox))
if (this.showLabels && withinExtents) this.renderItemLabel(item);
// Points get rendered after theyve been sorted by symbol size
if (this.geometry === "point")
var dir = -1;
this.itemArray.sort(function(a, b)
if (a.symbolSize < b.symbolSize) return -dir;
if (a.symbolSize > b.symbolSize) return dir;
return 0;
var n = this.itemArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var item = this.itemArray[i];
if (item.bBox && item.bBox.intersects(mapBBox) && item.symbolSize > 0)
if (this.showLabels && withinExtents) this.renderItemLabel(item);
if (this.dataChanged) this.dataChanged = false;
// Render selection.
* Selects the item.
* @method selectItem
* @param {Object} item The item.
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype.selectItem = function(item)
this._drawItem(item, this.selectionContext);
* Highlights the item.
* @method highlightItem
* @param {Object} item The item.
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype.highlightItem = function(item)
this._drawItem(item, this.highlightContext);
* Renders the item to the given context.
* @method renderItem
* @param {Object} item The item.
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype.renderItem = function(item)
if (item.color)
this.context.fillStyle = item.color;
if (this.geometry === "line") this.context.strokeStyle = item.color;
this._drawItem(item, this.context);
* Does the actual drawing.
* @method _drawItem
* @param {Object} item The item.
* @param {HTML Canvas Context} ctx The context to render to.
* @private
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype._drawItem = function(item, ctx)
if (this.getVisible() && ctx)
var nShapes = item.shapes.length;
// Draw polygons.
if (this.geometry === "polygon")
for (var j = 0; j < nShapes; j++)
var coords = item.shapes[j];
var nCoords = coords.length;
ctx.moveTo(this.map.getPixelX(coords[0].x), this.map.getPixelY(coords[0].y));
for (var i = 1; i < nCoords; i++)
ctx.lineTo(this.map.getPixelX(coords[i].x), this.map.getPixelY(coords[i].y));
// Draw points.
else if (this.geometry === "point")
for (var j = 0; j < nShapes; j++)
var coords = item.shapes[j];
var px = this.map.getPixelX(coords.x);
var py = this.map.getPixelY(coords.y);
if (this.icon !== undefined)
ctx.drawImage(this.icon, (px - (this.icon.width/2)), (py - (this.icon.height/2)), this.icon.width, this.icon.height);
if (item.symbolSize > 0) ia.Shape.draw(this.symbol, ctx, px, py, item.symbolSize);
// Draw lines.
else if (this.geometry === "line")
if (item.symbolSize > 0)
for (var j = 0; j < nShapes; j++)
var coords = item.shapes[j];
var nCoords = coords.length;
ctx.moveTo(this.map.getPixelX(coords[0].x), this.map.getPixelY(coords[0].y));
for (var i = 1; i < nCoords; i++)
ctx.lineTo(this.map.getPixelX(coords[i].x), this.map.getPixelY(coords[i].y));
ctx.lineWidth = item.symbolSize;
if (this.geometry !== "line") ctx.fill();
* Renders the item label.
* @method renderItemLabel
* @param {Object} item The item.
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype.renderItemLabel = function(item)
var x = this.map.getPixelX(item.bBox.getXCenter());
var y = this.map.getPixelY(item.bBox.getYCenter());
if (this.geometry === "polygon")
this.labelContext.textBaseline = 'middle';
this.labelContext.textAlign = 'center';
this.labelContext.textBaseline = 'bottom';
this.labelContext.textAlign = 'left';
if (this.icon)
x = x + (this.icon.width / 2);
y = y - (this.icon.width / 2);
x = x + (item.symbolSize / 2);
y = y - (item.symbolSize / 2);
this.labelContext.strokeText(item.name, x, y);
this.labelContext.fillText(item.name, x, y);
// Hit Test Methods
* Runs a hit test on shapes.
* @method hitItem
* @param {Object} item The item to hit test.
* @param {ia.MapMouseEvent} event An <code>ia.MapMouseEvent</code>.
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype.hitItem = function(item, event)
// Convert to data coords.
var pointX = event.dataX;
var pointY = event.dataY;
if (this.geometry === "point")
var points = item.shapes;
var coords;
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
coords = points[i];
var isHit;
if (this.iconPath !== "")
isHit = this._pointInRect(this.icon.width, this.icon.height, coords, pointX, pointY);
isHit = this._pointInRect(item.symbolSize, item.symbolSize, coords, pointX, pointY);
if (isHit) return true;
else if (this.geometry === "polygon")
// Test bBox of item first.
if (item.bBox)
if ((pointX < item.bBox.left()) || (pointX > item.bBox.right())) return false;
else if ((pointY > item.bBox.top()) || (pointY < item.bBox.bottom())) return false;
var polys = item.shapes;
for (var i = 0; i < polys.length; i++)
var isHit = this._pointInPoly(polys[i], pointX, pointY);
if (isHit) return true;
else if (this.geometry === "line")
// Test bBox of item first.
if (item.bBox)
if ((pointX < item.bBox.left()) || (pointX > item.bBox.right())) return false;
else if ((pointY > item.bBox.top()) || (pointY < item.bBox.bottom())) return false;
var lines = item.shapes;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
var isHit = this._pointInLine(lines[i], event.x, event.y);
if (isHit) return true;
return false;
* Query if a point lies completely within a polygon.
* @method _pointInLine
* @param {Number[]} coords The coords to hit test.
* @param {Number} pointX The pixel x coordinate of the test point.
* @param {Number} pointY The pixel y coordinate of the test point.
* @private
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype._pointInLine = function(coords, pointX, pointY)
var buffer = 4;
var r = new ia.Rectangle(pointX - buffer, pointY - buffer, (buffer*2), (buffer*2))
var n = coords.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
var x1 = this.map.getPixelX(coords[i].x);
var y1 = this.map.getPixelY(coords[i].y);
var x2 = this.map.getPixelX(coords[i+1].x);
var y2 = this.map.getPixelY(coords[i+1].y);
if (r.intersectsLine({x:x1,y:y1}, {x:x2,y:y2})) return true;
return false;
* Query if a point lies completely within a polygon.
* @method _pointInPoly
* @param {Number[]} coords The coords to hit test.
* @param {Number} pointX The x coordinate of the test point.
* @param {Number} pointY The y coordinate of the test point.
* @private
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype._pointInPoly = function(coords, pointX, pointY)
var i, j, c = 0;
for (i = 0, j = coords.length - 1; i < coords.length; j = i++)
if (((coords[i].y > pointY) !== (coords[j].y > pointY)) && (pointX < (coords[j].x - coords[i].x) * (pointY - coords[i].y) / (coords[j].y - coords[i].y) + coords[i].x))
c = !c;
return c;
* Query if a point lies completely within a shape.
* @method _pointInRect
* @param {Number} symbolWidth The symbol width.
* @param {Number} symbolHeight The symbol height.
* @param {Number[]} coords The coords to hit test.
* @param {Number} pointX The x coordinate of the test point.
* @param {Number} pointY The y coordinate of the test point.
* @private
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype._pointInRect = function(symbolWidth, symbolHeight, coords, pointX, pointY)
// Now test the polygon.
var x = coords.x;
var y = coords.y;
var w = this.map.getDataWidth(symbolWidth);
var h = this.map.getDataHeight(symbolHeight);
var x1 = x - (w/2);
var x2 = x + (w/2);
var y1 = y - (h/2);
var y2 = y + (h/2);
if (pointX >= x1 && pointX <= x2 && pointY >= y1 && pointY <= y2) return true
return false;
* Displays the tip for the passed item
* @method showTip
* @param {Object} item The map item.
* @param {ia.ItemEvent} event An <code>ia.ItemEvent</code>.
ia.FeatureLayer.prototype.showTip = function(item, event)
var px, py;
px = event.x - (this.map.datatip.getWidth() / 2);
py = event.y - (this.map.datatip.getHeight() + 30);
if (this.geometry === "point")
px = this.map.getPixelX(item.bBox.getXCenter()) + item.symbolSize / 2;
py = this.map.getPixelY(item.bBox.getYCenter()) - item.symbolSize / 2 - this.map.datatip.getHeight();
px = event.x + 10;
py = event.y - this.map.datatip.getHeight();
this.map.datatip.position(px, py);