File: ia\maps\layers\MarkerLayer.js
- /**
- * A layer that you can add markers to.
- *
- * @author J Clare
- * @class ia.MarkerLayer
- * @extends ia.LayerBase
- * @constructor
- */
- ia.MarkerLayer = function()
- {
- this._markers = new Array();
- };
- ia.extend(ia.LayerBase, ia.MarkerLayer);
- /**
- * Adds a new marker
- *
- * @method addMarker
- * @param {Image} icon The icon.
- * @param {Number} x The x-coord.
- * @param {Number} y The y-coord.
- */
- ia.MarkerLayer.prototype.addMarker = function(icon, x, y)
- {
- var marker = {};
- marker.icon = icon;
- marker.x = x;
- marker.y = y;
- this._markers[this._markers.length] = marker;
- };
- /**
- * Clears all the markers.
- *
- * @method clearMarkers
- */
- ia.MarkerLayer.prototype.clearMarkers = function()
- {
- this._markers = new Array();
- this.clear();
- };
- /**
- * Renders the layer.
- *
- * @method render
- */
- ia.MarkerLayer.prototype.render = function()
- {
- this.clear();
- for (var i = 0; i < this._markers.length; i++)
- {
- var marker = this._markers[i];
- var px = - (marker.icon.width / 2);
- var py = - (marker.icon.height);
- this.context.drawImage(marker.icon, px, py);
- }
- };