File: ia\maps\layers\WMSLayer.js
* For handling Web Mapping Server layers.
* <p>Mandatory parameters as of 1.3:</p>
* <p>VERSION=1.3.0
* <br/>REQUEST=GetMap
* <br/>LAYERS=layer_list
* <br/>STYLES=style_list
* <br/>CRS=namespace:identifier
* <br/>BBOX=minx,miny,maxx,maxy
* <br/>WIDTH=output_width
* <br/>HEIGHT=output_height
* <br/>FORMAT=output_format</p>
* @author J Clare
* @class ia.WMSLayer
* @extends ia.ImageLayer
* @constructor
ia.WMSLayer = function()
this.requiresAxisSwitch = false;
ia.extend(ia.ImageLayer, ia.WMSLayer);
* Should the axes be switched (bizarre but true!).
* @property requiresAxisSwitch
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* Returns the required url.
* @method getUrl
* @return {String} The url for retrieving the wms image.
ia.WMSLayer.prototype.getUrl = function(bb, w, h)
var imageUrl = this.url;
if (this.url.indexOf("?") === -1) imageUrl += "?";
if ((this.url.charAt(this.url.length - 1) !== "&")
&& (this.url.charAt(this.url.length - 1) !== "?")) imageUrl += "&";
if (this.requiresAxisSwitch === true)
imageUrl += "request=GetMap&bbox=" + bb.getYMin() + "," + bb.getXMin() + "," + bb.getYMax() + "," + bb.getXMax();
imageUrl += "request=GetMap&bbox=" + bb.getXMin() + "," + bb.getYMin() + "," + bb.getXMax() + "," + bb.getYMax();
if (this.params.toLowerCase().indexOf("layers=") < 0)
imageUrl += "&layers=" + this.layers;
if (this.params.toLowerCase().indexOf("srs=") < 0)
imageUrl += "&srs=" + this.srs;
if (this.params.toLowerCase().indexOf("crs=") < 0)
imageUrl += "&crs=" + this.srs;
if (this.params.toLowerCase().indexOf("width=") < 0)
imageUrl += "&width=" + Math.round(w);
if (this.params.toLowerCase().indexOf("height=") < 0)
imageUrl += "&height=" + Math.round(h);
if (this.params.toLowerCase().indexOf("version=") < 0)
imageUrl += "&version=" + this.version;
if (this.params.toLowerCase().indexOf("format=") < 0)
imageUrl += "&format=image/jpeg";
if (this.params.toLowerCase().indexOf("exceptions=") < 0)
imageUrl += "&exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.se_blank";
if (this.params.toLowerCase().indexOf("service=") < 0)
imageUrl += "&service=WMS";
if (this.params.toLowerCase().indexOf("styles=") < 0)
imageUrl += "&styles=";
imageUrl += this.params;
return imageUrl;