* A class for rendering a feature card.
* @author J Clare
* @class ia.FeatureCard
* @extends ia.EventDispatcher
* @constructor
* @param {String} id The id of the feature card.
ia.FeatureCard = function(id)
this.id = id;
this.displaySelectedDateOnly = false
this.ignoreThemeIds = [];
this.ignoreIndicatorIds = [];
this.displayThemeHeader = false;
this.displayFeatureHeader = false;
this.displayMode = "All themes";
this.dataOrder = "Order data by feature";
this._renderTimeout = null;
this._featureIds = []; // A list of feature ids.
this.container = $j("<div id='"+id+"' class='ia-feature-card-scrollbox'>");
this._scrollBox = new ia.ScrollBox(this.container);
this.$content = $j("<div>"); // Div to contain the html.
// Text substitution.
this._textSubstitution = new ia.TextSubstitution();
// Load the html snippet.
this._snippet = "";
ia.extend(ia.EventDispatcher, ia.FeatureCard);
* The id.
* @property id
* @type String
* Specifies a geography.
* @property geography
* @type ia.Geography
* Specifies a selected indicator.
* @property indicator
* @type ia.Indicator
* Display indicators for selected date only?
* @property displaySelectedDateOnly
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* The container that holds the object.
* @property container
* @type JQUERY Element
* The themes to ignore.
* @property ignoreThemeIds
* @type String[]
* The indicators to ignore.
* @property ignoreIndicatorIds
* @type String[]
* Should theme headers be displayed.
* @property displayThemeHeader
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* Should feature headers be displayed.
* @property displayFeatureHeader
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* The display mode.
* @property displayMode
* @type String
* @default "All themes"
* The list mode.
* @property dataOrder
* @type String
* @default "Order data by feature"
* Sets the snippet.
* @method setSnippet
* @param {String} url The path to the html snippet.
* @param {Function} callbackFunction Called once snippet has loaded.
ia.FeatureCard.prototype.setSnippet = function(url, callbackFunction)
var me = this;
if (url !== "" && url !== undefined)
me._snippet = url;
// Check for html file - otherwise its a blob of html.
if (me._snippet.indexOf(".htm") !== -1 && me._snippet.indexOf("href=") === -1)
url: url,
dataType: "html",
me._snippet = data;
if (callbackFunction !== undefined) callbackFunction.call(null);
else if (callbackFunction !== undefined) callbackFunction.call(null);
else if (callbackFunction !== undefined) callbackFunction.call(null);
* Renders the repeater.
* @method render
ia.FeatureCard.prototype.render = function()
this._renderTimeout = null;
var me = this;
if (this._snippet !== "")
// Empty the previous content.
var listByFeature = true;
if (me.dataOrder !== "Order data by feature") listByFeature = false;
// Reverse selection so last selected feature is top of list.
var ids = this._featureIds.concat().reverse();
if (this.displaySelectedDateOnly)
if (listByFeature) data = this.geography.getFeatureData(ids, this.indicator.date);
else data = this.geography.getIndicatorData(ids, this.indicator.date);
if (listByFeature) data = this.geography.getFeatureData(ids);
else data = this.geography.getIndicatorData(ids);
if (listByFeature) this._renderFeatureList(data);
else this._renderIndicatorList(data);
* Renders the feature list.
* @method _renderFeatureList
* @param {JSON} data The JSON data.
ia.FeatureCard.prototype._renderFeatureList = function(data)
var me = this;
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("geog-id", data.id);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("geog-name", data.name);
// Features.
var features = data.features;
$j.each(features, function(fIndex, feature)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("feature-id", feature.id);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("feature-name", feature.name);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("feature-href", feature.href);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("feature-index", fIndex);
$j.each(feature.properties, function(i, prop)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable(prop.name+"-value", prop.value);
var $featureCard = $j("<div class='ia-feature-card'>");
// Feature header.
if (me.displayFeatureHeader)
var $featureHeader = $j("<div id='"+feature.id+"' class='ia-feature-card-header'>").html(feature.name);
// Themes.
var themes = feature.themes;
$j.each(themes, function(tIndex, theme)
var includeTheme = true;
if (me.displayMode === "Selected theme only") // Test if this is selected theme.
if (me.indicator.theme.id !== theme.id) includeTheme = false;
else // Test if theme is ignored.
for (var i = 0; i < me.ignoreThemeIds.length; i++)
if (theme.id === me.ignoreThemeIds[i])
includeTheme = false;
if (includeTheme)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("theme-id", theme.id);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("theme-name", theme.name);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("theme-index", tIndex);
if (me.displayThemeHeader && theme.indicators.length > 0)
// Theme row.
if (me.displayMode === "Selected indicator only")
var containsIndicator = false;
var indicators = theme.indicators;
$j.each(indicators, function(iIndex, indicator)
if (me.indicator.id === indicator.id) containsIndicator = true
if (containsIndicator === true)
var $themeHeader = $j("<div id='"+theme.id+"' class='ia-feature-card-sub-header'>").html(theme.name);
var $themeHeader = $j("<div id='"+theme.id+"' class='ia-feature-card-sub-header'>").html(theme.name);
var $themeContainer = $j("<div class='ia-feature-card-content'>");
// Indicators.
var indicators = theme.indicators;
// Keep track of dates.
var dateIndex;
var prevId = "";
$j.each(indicators, function(iIndex, indicator)
var includeIndicator = true;
if (me.displayMode === "Selected indicator only") // Test if this is selected indicator.
if (me.indicator.id !== indicator.id) includeIndicator = false;
else // Test if indicator is ignored.
for (var i = 0; i < me.ignoreIndicatorIds.length; i++)
if (indicator.id === me.ignoreIndicatorIds[i])
includeIndicator = false;
if (includeIndicator)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-id", indicator.id);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-name", indicator.name);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-index", iIndex);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-type", indicator.type);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-href", indicator.href);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-formatted-value", indicator.formattedValue);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-date", indicator.date);
if (indicator.id !== prevId)
prevId = indicator.id;
dateIndex = 0;
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-date-index", dateIndex);
if ((indicator.value === "null")
|| (indicator.value === null)
|| (indicator.value === "NaN")
|| (indicator.value === "")
|| (indicator.value === "No Data")
|| (indicator.value === undefined))
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-value", "");
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-value", indicator.value);
$j.each(indicator.associates, function(i, associate)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable(associate.name+"-value", associate.value);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable(associate.name+"-formatted-value", associate.formattedValue);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable(associate.name+"-type", associate.type);
$j.each(indicator.properties, function(i, prop)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable(prop.name+"-value", prop.value);
if (indicator.lowerLimit)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("lower-limit-value", indicator.lowerLimit.value);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("lower-limit-formatted-value", indicator.lowerLimit.formattedValue);
if (indicator.upperLimit)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("upper-limit-value", indicator.upperLimit.value);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("upper-limit-formatted-value", indicator.upperLimit.formattedValue);
var msg = me._textSubstitution.formatMessage(me._snippet);
* Renders the indicator list.
* @method _renderIndicatorList
* @param {JSON} data The JSON data.
ia.FeatureCard.prototype._renderIndicatorList = function(data)
var me = this;
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("geog-id", data.id);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("geog-name", data.name);
// Themes.
var themes = data.themes;
$j.each(themes, function(tIndex, theme)
var includeTheme = true;
if (me.displayMode === "Selected theme only") // Test if this is selected theme.
if (me.indicator.theme.id !== theme.id) includeTheme = false;
else // Test if theme is ignored.
for (var i = 0; i < me.ignoreThemeIds.length; i++)
if (theme.id === me.ignoreThemeIds[i])
includeTheme = false;
if (includeTheme)
var $featureCard = $j("<div class='ia-feature-card'>");
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("theme-id", theme.id);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("theme-name", theme.name);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("theme-index", tIndex);
if (me.displayThemeHeader && theme.indicators.length > 0)
// Theme row.
if (me.displayMode === "Selected indicator only")
var containsIndicator = false;
var indicators = theme.indicators;
$j.each(indicators, function(iIndex, indicator)
if (me.indicator.id === indicator.id) containsIndicator = true
if (containsIndicator === true)
var $themeHeader = $j("<div id='"+theme.id+"' class='ia-feature-card-header'>").html(theme.name);
var $themeHeader = $j("<div id='"+theme.id+"' class='ia-feature-card-header'>").html(theme.name);
var $themeContainer = $j("<div class='ia-feature-card-content'>");
// Indicators.
var indicators = theme.indicators;
// Keep track of dates.
var dateIndex;
var prevId = "";
$j.each(indicators, function(iIndex, indicator)
var includeIndicator = true;
if (me.displayMode === "Selected indicator only") // Test if this is selected indicator.
if (me.indicator.id !== indicator.id) includeIndicator = false;
else // Test if indicator is ignored.
for (var i = 0; i < me.ignoreIndicatorIds.length; i++)
if (indicator.id === me.ignoreIndicatorIds[i])
includeIndicator = false;
if (includeIndicator)
// Feature header.
if (me.displayFeatureHeader)
var $featureHeader = $j("<div id='"+indicator.id+"' class='ia-feature-card-sub-header'>").html(indicator.name);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-id", indicator.id);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-name", indicator.name);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-index", iIndex);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-type", indicator.type);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-href", indicator.href);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-date", indicator.date);
if (indicator.id !== prevId)
prevId = indicator.id;
dateIndex = 0;
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-date-index", dateIndex);
$j.each(indicator.properties, function(i, prop)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable(prop.name+"-value", prop.value);
// Features.
var features = indicator.features;
$j.each(features, function(fIndex, feature)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("feature-id", feature.id);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("feature-name", feature.name);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("feature-href", feature.href);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("feature-index", fIndex);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-formatted-value", feature.formattedValue);
if ((feature.value === "null")
|| (feature.value === null)
|| (feature.value === "NaN")
|| (feature.value === "")
|| (feature.value === "No Data")
|| (feature.value === undefined))
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-value", "");
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("indicator-value", feature.value);
$j.each(feature.properties, function(i, prop)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable(prop.name+"-value", prop.value);
$j.each(feature.associates, function(i, associate)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable(associate.name+"-value", associate.value);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable(associate.name+"-formatted-value", associate.formattedValue);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable(associate.name+"-type", associate.type);
if (feature.lowerLimit)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("lower-limit-value", feature.lowerLimit.value);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("lower-limit-formatted-value", feature.lowerLimit.formattedValue);
if (feature.upperLimit)
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("upper-limit-value", feature.upperLimit.value);
me._textSubstitution.setVariable("upper-limit-formatted-value", feature.upperLimit.formattedValue);
var msg = me._textSubstitution.formatMessage(me._snippet);
* Triggers a render. Prevents over rendering which results in a frozen browser.
* @method _triggerRender
* @private
ia.FeatureCard.prototype._triggerRender = function()
if (!this._renderTimeout)
this._renderTimeout = setTimeout(function()
}.bind(this), 5);
* Selects.
* @method select
* @param {String} id The id of the item.
ia.FeatureCard.prototype.select = function(id)
var index = this._featureIds.indexOf(id);
if (index === -1) this._featureIds.push(id);
* Unselects.
* @method unselect
* @param {String} id The id of the item.
ia.FeatureCard.prototype.unselect = function(id)
var index = this._featureIds.indexOf(id);
if (index !== -1) this._featureIds.splice(index, 1);
* Clears all selections.
* @method clearSelection
ia.FeatureCard.prototype.clearSelection = function()
this._featureIds = [];
* Highlights the legend class that contains the given id.
* @method highlight
* @param {String} id The id of the item.
ia.FeatureCard.prototype.highlight = function(id) {};
* Clears all highlights.
* @method clearHighlight
ia.FeatureCard.prototype.clearHighlight = function() {};