* The <code>Color</code> class is an all-static class with methods for working with colors.
* You do not create instances of <code>Color</code> instead you simply call static methods
* such as the <code>Color.getRandomColor()</code> method.
* <p>All colors must use the format #<i>RRGGBB</i>. <i>RR</i>, <i>GG</i>, and <i>BB</i>
* each consist of two hexadecimal digits that specify the offset of each color component.</p>
* @author J Clare
* @class ia.Color
* @constructor
ia.Color = function() {};
* Returns the red component of a color value.
* @static
* @method r
* @param {String} c The color value.
* @return {String} The red component.
ia.Color.r = function(c)
var r;
if (ia.Color.isHSV(c))
r = ia.parseInt((ia.Color.cutRgb(ia.Color.HSVtoRGB(c)))[0]);
else if (ia.Color.isHex(c))
r = ia.parseInt((ia.Color.cutHex(c)).substring(0,2),16);
else if (ia.Color.isRGB(c))
r = ia.parseInt((ia.Color.cutRgb(c))[0]);
return r;
* Returns the green component of a color value.
* @static
* @method g
* @param {String} c The color value.
* @return {String} The green component.
ia.Color.g = function(c)
var g;
if (ia.Color.isHSV(c))
g = ia.parseInt((ia.Color.cutRgb(ia.Color.HSVtoRGB(c)))[1]);
else if (ia.Color.isHex(c))
g = ia.parseInt((ia.Color.cutHex(c)).substring(2,4),16);
else if (ia.Color.isRGB(c))
g = ia.parseInt((ia.Color.cutRgb(c))[1]);
return g;
* Returns the blue component of a color value.
* @static
* @method b
* @param {String} c The color value
* @return {String} The blue component
ia.Color.b = function(c)
var b;
if (ia.Color.isHSV(c))
b = ia.parseInt((ia.Color.cutRgb(ia.Color.HSVtoRGB(c)))[2]);
else if (ia.Color.isHex(c))
b = ia.parseInt((ia.Color.cutHex(c)).substring(4,6),16);
else if (ia.Color.isRGB(c))
b = ia.parseInt((ia.Color.cutRgb(c))[2]);
return b;
* Returns the alpha component of a color value.
* @static
* @method a
* @param {String} c The color value.
* @return {String} The alpha component.
ia.Color.a = function(c)
var a;
if (ia.Color.isHSV(c))
a = parseFloat(c[3]);
else if (ia.Color.isHex(c))
a = parseFloat((ia.Color.cutHex(c)).substring(6,8),16);
else if (ia.Color.isRGB(c))
a = parseFloat((ia.Color.cutRgb(c))[3]);
return a;
* Returns the hue component of a color value.
* @static
* @method h
* @param {String} c The color value.
* @return {String} The hue component 0 - 360.
ia.Color.h = function(c)
return ia.Color.toHSVA(c)[0];
* Returns the saturation component of a color value.
* @static
* @method s
* @param {String} c The color value.
* @return {String} The hue component 0 - 100.
ia.Color.s = function(c)
return ia.Color.toHSVA(c)[1];
* Returns the value component of a color value.
* @static
* @method v
* @param {String} c The color value.
* @return {String} The hue component 0 - 100.
ia.Color.v = function(c)
return ia.Color.toHSVA(c)[2];
* Returns a color value with the given red, green, blue, and alpha
* components.
* @static
* @method toRGBA
* @param {String} c A string of the form "rgb(25,90,127)" or "#FFFFFF".
* @param {Number} alpha The alpha value 0 to 1.
* @return {String} A string of the form "rgb(25,90,127, 0.1)".
ia.Color.toRGBA = function(c, alpha)
var a = alpha;
if (a === undefined) a = 1;
var r = ia.Color.r(c);
var g = ia.Color.g(c);
var b = ia.Color.b(c);
return ia.Color.rgba(r, g, b, a);
* Returns a color value for a given string.
* Checks if the color is hex. If it is hex
* the hex value is simply returned. If its
* is rgb it is converted into hex and returned
* @static
* @method toHex
* @param {String} c A string of the form "rgb(25,90,127)" or "#FFFFFF".
* @return {String} The hex color value or 0.
ia.Color.toHex = function(c)
var r = ia.Color.r(c);
var g = ia.Color.g(c);
var b = ia.Color.b(c);
var hex = "#"+ia.Color.intToHex(r)+ia.Color.intToHex(g)+ia.Color.intToHex(b);
return hex;
* Returns a color value with the given hue, saturation, value, and alpha
* components.
* @static
* @method toHSVA
* @param {String} c A string of the form "rgb(25,90,127)" or "#FFFFFF".
* @param {Number} alpha The alpha value 0 to 1.
* @return {String} An of the form "[255,100,100,1]" - "[h,s,v,a]".
ia.Color.toHSVA = function(c, alpha)
var r = ia.Color.r(c);
var g = ia.Color.g(c);
var b = ia.Color.b(c);
var h, s, v;
var max = Math.max(r, g, b);
var min = Math.min(r, g, b);
if ( max === min ) h = 0;
else if ( max === r ) h = ( 60 * (g - b) / ( max - min ) + 360 ) % 360;
else if ( max === g ) h = 60 * ( b - r ) / ( max - min ) + 120;
else if ( max === b ) h = 60 * ( r - g ) / ( max - min ) + 240;
if ( max === 0 ) s = 0;
else s = (1 - min / max) * 100;
v = (max / 255) * 100;
return [h, s, v, alpha];
* Converts HSV to RGB.
* @static
* @method HSVtoRGB
* @param {String} c An array of the form "[h, s, v, a]".
* @return {String} A string of the form "rgb(25,90,127, 0.1)".
ia.Color.HSVtoRGB = function(c)
var h = c[0];
var s = c[1] / 100;
var v = (c[2] / 100) * 255;
var a = c[3];
if ( h < 0 ) { h += 360; }
var hi = Math.floor( h / 60 ) % 6;
var f = h / 60 - Math.floor( h / 60 );
var p = v * (1 - s);
var q = v * (1 - f * s);
var t = v * (1 - ( 1 - f ) * s );
var r, g, b;
switch( hi )
case 0:
r = v;
g = t;
b = p;
case 1:
r = q;
g = v;
b = p;
case 2:
r = p;
g = v;
b = t;
case 3:
r = p;
g = q;
b = v;
case 4:
r = t;
g = p;
b = v;
case 5:
r = v;
g = p;
b = q;
return ia.Color.rgba(r,g,b,a);
* Validates a hex color.
* @static
* @method validHex
* @param {String} value The color.
* @return {String} The validated value.
ia.Color.validHex = function(value)
var value = value.replace(/[^#a-fA-F0-9]/g, ''); // non [#a-f0-9]
value = value.toLowerCase();
if(value.match(/#/g) && value.match(/#/g).length > 1) value = value.replace(/#/g, ''); // ##
if(value.indexOf('#') === -1) value = '#'+value; // no #
if(value.length > 7) value = value.substr(0,7); // too many chars
return value;
* Get the hexadecimal value of an integer.
* @static
* @method intToHex
* @param {Number} n The integer.
* @return {String} The hexadecimal value.
ia.Color.intToHex = function(n)
if (n === null) return "00";
n = ia.parseInt(n);
if (n === 0 || isNaN(n)) return "00";
n = Math.max(0,n);
n = Math.min(n,255);
n = Math.round(n);
return "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt((n-n%16)/16) + "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(n%16);
* Get a hexadecimal colour with the hash removed.
* @static
* @method cutHex
* @param {String} c The color.
* @return {String} The color.
ia.Color.cutHex = function(c) {return (c.charAt(0)=="#") ? c.substring(1,7) : c;};
* Get an rgb colour as an array.
* @static
* @method cutRgb
* @param {String} c The color.
* @return {Array} An array.
ia.Color.cutRgb = function(c)
var cutRGB = c.substring(c.indexOf("(")+1,c.indexOf(")"));
var rgbArray = cutRGB.split(",");
return rgbArray;
* Tests if the color is a hex.
* @static
* @method isHex
* @param {String} c The color.
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
ia.Color.isHex = function(c)
return (c.indexOf("#") === 0);
* Tests if the color is a rgb.
* @static
* @method isRGB
* @param {String} c The color.
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
ia.Color.isRGB = function(c)
return (c.indexOf("rgb") !== -1);
* Tests if the color is a hsv.
* @static
* @method isHSV
* @param {String} c The color.
* @return {Boolean} true or false.
ia.Color.isHSV = function(c)
return (Object.prototype.toString.call(c) === '[object Array]');
* Returns a color value with the given red, green, blue, and alpha
* components.
* @static
* @method rgba
* @param {Number} r The red component (0-255).
* @param {Number} g The green component (0-255).
* @param {Number} b The blue component (0-255).
* @param {Number} a The alpha component (0-1).
* @return {String} The color value.
ia.Color.rgba = function(r, g, b, a)
if (a === undefined) a = 1;
return "rgba("+Math.floor(r)+","+Math.floor(g)+","+Math.floor(b)+","+a+")";
* Interpolate between two color values by the given mixing proportion.
* A mixing fraction of 0 will result in c1, a value of 1.0 will result
* in c2, and value of 0.5 will result in the color mid-way between the
* two in RGB color space.
* @static
* @method getInterpolatedColor
* @param {String} c1 The starting color.
* @param {String} c2 The target color.
* @param {Number} f A fraction between 0 and 1 controlling the interpolation.
* @return {String} The interpolated color.
ia.Color.getInterpolatedColor = function(c1, c2, f)
var t;
return ia.Color.rgba(
(t=ia.Color.r(c1)) + f*(ia.Color.r(c2)-t),
(t=ia.Color.g(c1)) + f*(ia.Color.g(c2)-t),
(t=ia.Color.b(c1)) + f*(ia.Color.b(c2)-t));
* Returns a randomly generated color.
* @static
* @method getRandomColor
* @return {String} The random color.
ia.Color.getRandomColor = function()
var r = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);
var g = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);
var b = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);
return ia.Color.rgba(r,g,b);
* Lightens a color by the given percentage.
* @static
* @method lighten
* @param {String} c The color.
* @param {String} p The percentage as a fraction (0 - 1).
* @return {String} The new color as a hex value.
ia.Color.lighten = function(c, p)
var hsv = ia.Color.toHSVA(c);
var v= hsv[2];
v = v + (v * p);
if (v > 100) v = 100;
if (v < 0) v = 0;
hsv[2] = v;
return ia.Color.toHex(hsv);
* Darkens a color by the given percentage.
* @static
* @method darken
* @param {String} c The color.
* @param {String} p The percentage as a fraction (0 - 1).
* @return {String} The new color as a hex value.
ia.Color.darken = function(c, p)
return ia.Color.lighten(c, (p*-1));
* Adjusts the saturation and value of the color.
* @static
* @method adjustSV
* @param {String} c The color.
* @param {String} s The saturation (0 - 100).
* @param {String} v The value (0 - 100).
* @return {String} The new color as a hex value.
ia.Color.adjustSV = function(c, s, v)
var hsv = ia.Color.toHSVA(c);
hsv[1] = s;
hsv[2] = v;
return ia.Color.toHex(hsv);
* Saturates a color by the given percentage.
* @static
* @method saturate
* @param {String} c The color.
* @param {String} p The percentage as a fraction (0 - 1).
* @return {String} The new color as a hex value.
ia.Color.saturate = function(c, p)
var hsv = ia.Color.toHSVA(c);
var s = hsv[1];
s = s + (s * p);
if (s > 100) s = 100;
if (s < 0) s = 0;
hsv[1] = s;
return ia.Color.toHex(hsv);
* desaturates a color by the given percentage.
* @static
* @method desaturate
* @param {String} c The color.
* @param {String} p The percentage as a fraction (0 - 1).
* @return {String} The new color as a hex value.
ia.Color.desaturate = function(c, p)
return ia.Color.saturate(c, (p*-1));
* Shifts the hue by the given amount.
* @static
* @method hueShift
* @param {Number} h The hue 0 - 360.
* @param {Number} amount The amount 0 - 360.
ia.Color.hueShift = function(h, amount)
while (h>=360.0) h-=360.0;
while (h<0.0) h+=360.0;
return h;
* Returns a complementary color.
* @static
* @method complement
* @param {String} c The color value.
* @return {String} The complemetary color value.
ia.Color.complement = function(c)
var hsv = ia.Color.toHSVA(c);
var hue = hsv[0];
hsv[0] = ia.Color.hueShift(hue,180.0);
return ia.Color.toHex(hsv);
* Returns an array containing the two triad colors.
* @static
* @method triad
* @param {String} c The color value.
* @return [String] The two triad colors.
ia.Color.triad = function(c)
var hsv = ia.Color.toHSVA(c);
var hue = hsv[0];
var c1 = [ia.Color.hueShift(hue,180.0-24),hsv[1],hsv[2]];
var c2 = [ia.Color.hueShift(hue,180.0+24),hsv[1],hsv[2]];
return [ia.Color.toHex(c1),ia.Color.toHex(c2)];
* Returns an array containing the two analogic colors.
* @static
* @method analogic
* @param {String} c The color value.
* @return [String] The two analogic colors.
ia.Color.analogic = function(c)
var hsv = ia.Color.toHSVA(c);
var hue = hsv[0];
var c1 = [ia.Color.hueShift(hue,-24),hsv[1],hsv[2]];
var c2 = [ia.Color.hueShift(hue,+24),hsv[1],hsv[2]];
return [ia.Color.toHex(c1),ia.Color.toHex(c2)];