Skip Navigation LinksSubstitution Variables

Substitution variables can be used in chart tips, component titles and table column headings.

Each variable has the format ${variableName}.

The dollar sign and curly brackets ${} indicate that the text is a variable.

A simple example of a variable might be for the current indicator name ${indicatorName}.

When the user selects a new indicator the text ${indicatorName} will be automatically substituted with the name of the selected indicator.

The variables can be combined with regular text like this.

${indicatorName} for date ${date}.

Simple html elements may be used to format your text. In this example the indicator name is placed on a new line and written in bold.

${themeName} <br/> <b>${indicatorName}</b>.

You can also use conditional statements. This one checks if a filter has been set and writes out 'The filter value is' if that is the case.

${notEmpty(filterName, 'The filter value is')} ${filterValue}.

Updated when the data changes

  • The name of the geography.
    ${geogName} (v671)
  • The name of the theme.
    ${themeName} (v671)
  • The name of the indicator.
    ${indicatorName} (v671)
  • The name of the date.
    ${date} (v671)
  • Values for any indicator properties. Use the name of the property. Indicators inherit properties from both their parent theme and geography.
    ${propName} (v671)
  • Statistics for the current indicator.
    ${mean} (v671)
    ${median} (v671)
    ${count} (v673)
    ${sum} (v671)
    ${maxValue} (v671)
    ${range} (v671)
    ${lowerQuartile} (v671)
    ${upperQuartile} (v671)
    ${interquartileRange} (v671)
    ${variance} (v671)
    ${standardDeviation} (v671)
  • Statistics for the scatter plot data.
    ${correlationCoeff} (v671)
    ${rSquare} (v671)
    ${gradient} (v671)
    ${intercept} (v671)

Updated when the filter changes

  • The filter name.
    ${filterName} (v671)
  • The filter value.
    ${filterValue} (v671)

Updated when the legend changes

  • The legend type.
    ${legendType} (v671)

Updated when the feature selection changes

  • The selected feature.
    ${selectedFeature} (v671)

Updated when the feature highlight changes

  • The feature name.
    ${featureName} (v671)
  • The indicator value for the feature.
    ${indicatorValue} (v671)
  • Associate values for the feature. Use the name of the associate.
    ${associateName} (v671)
  • Values for any feature properties. Use the name of the property.
    ${propName} (v671)
  • Upper limit value.
    ${upperLimit} (v671)
  • Lower limit value.
    ${lowerLimit} (v671)

Conditional Statements

  • equals (v671)
    If indicator name equals 'My Indicator' write 'My Indicator was selected'.
    ${equals(indicatorName, 'My Indicator', 'My Indicator was selected')}
    If indicator name equals 'My Indicator' write 'My Indicator was selected', else write 'Not selected'.
    ${equals(indicatorName, 'My Indicator', 'My Indicator was selected', 'Not selected')}
  • notEquals (v671)
    If indicator name does not equal 'My Indicator' write 'My Indicator was not selected'.
    ${notEquals(indicatorName, 'My Indicator', 'My Indicator was not selected')}
    If indicator name does not equal 'My Indicator' write 'My Indicator was not selected', else write 'Selected'.
    ${notEquals(indicatorName, 'My Indicator', 'My Indicator was not selected', 'Selected')}
  • empty (v671)
    If indicator date is empty write 'No date available'.
    ${empty(date, 'No date available')}
    If indicator date is empty write 'No date available', else write 'Date available'.
    ${empty(date, 'No date available', 'Date available')}
  • notEmpty (v671)
    If indicator date is not empty write 'The date is' followed by the date.
    ${notEmpty(date, 'The date is')} ${indicator date}
    If indicator date is not empty write 'The date is' followed by the date, else write 'No date available'.
    ${notEmpty(date, 'The date is', 'No date available')} ${indicator date}
  • greaterThanOrEqualTo (v671)
    If indicator value >= 10 write 'true'.
    ${greaterThanOrEqualTo(value, 10, 'true')}
    If indicator value >= 10 write 'true', else write 'false'.
    ${greaterThanOrEqualTo(value, 10, 'true', 'false')}
  • lessThanOrEqualTo (v671)
    If indicator value <= 10 write 'true'.
    ${lessThanOrEqualTo(value, 10, 'true')}
    If indicator value <= 10 write 'true', else write 'false'.
    ${lessThanOrEqualTo(value, 10, 'true', 'false')}
  • greaterThan (v671)
    If indicator value > 10 write 'true'.
    ${greaterThan(value, 10, 'true')}
    If indicator value > 10 write 'true', else write 'false'.
    ${greaterThan(value, 10, 'true', 'false')}
  • lessThan (v671)
    If indicator value < 10 write 'true'.
    ${lessThan(value, 10, 'true')}
    If indicator value < 10 write 'true', else write 'false'.
    ${lessThan(value, 10, 'true', 'false')}
  • even (v671)
    If indicator value is even write 'true'.
    ${even(value, 'true')}
    If indicator value is even write 'true', else write 'false'.
    ${even(value, 'true', 'false')}
  • odd (v671)
    If indicator value is odd write 'true'.
    ${odd(value, 'true')}
    If indicator value is odd write 'true', else write 'false'.
    ${odd(value, 'true', 'false')}


  • multiply (v671)
    indicator value * 10.
    ${multiply(value, 10)}
  • divide (v671)
    indicator value / 10.
    ${divide(value, 10)}
  • add (v671)
    indicator value / 10.
    ${add(value, 10)}
  • subtract (v671)
    indicator value - 10.
    ${subtract(value, 10)}
  • min (v671)
    minimum value of indicator value and 10.
    ${min(value, 10)}
  • max (v671)
    maximum value of indicator value and 10.
    ${max(value, 10)}
  • pow (v671)
    indicator value to the power of 2.
    ${pow(value, 2)}
  • sqrt (v671)
    Square root of indicator value.
  • exp (v671)
    Exponential value of indicator value.
  • log (v671)
    Log value of indicator.
  • abs (v671)
    Absolute value of indicator.