Skip Navigation LinksURL Parameters

The query string is the part of the URL that contains data to be passed to the InstantAtlas Report.

A typical URL containing a query string for InstantAtlas may be

The query string is composed of a series of parameters that are separated from the URL by a question mark (?).

The query string for the above URL is indicator=i3&date=2011.

Each parameter is separated by an ampersand (&).

The parameter name and value are separated by an equals sign (=).

In this example, indicator=i3&date=2011 contains two parameters, which tell the report that it should load the indicator with an 'id' of 'i3' and a 'date' of '2011'.

Any parameter included in the URL query string will override the default functionality of the report.



  • Set the geography to be displayed. Supply the index of the geography. The first geography being "0", the second "1", the third "2" etc. (v671)
  • Set the indicator to be displayed. Supply the id of the indicator. (v671)
  • Set the indicator date to be displayed. Supply the date of the indicator. (v671)
  • Set the geography, indicator and date. (v671)
  • Set the indicator and date for the second map. Append the suffix "2" to the parameter names. (v671)
  • Load all the data at startup. Normally data is loaded on a theme by theme basis. This forces all themes to be loaded at startup. (v671)

Feature selection and filtering



Set any attribute or property contained in the config.xml file by providing a prefix along with the property id and its new value. (v671)
